Being able to apologize is a nice trait, but not in every case. If you constantly apologize for things that are completely normal, you will only achieve that by making you feel bad about yourself and the values you stand for. But what are those things that you absolutely do not need to apologize for?
In life, it often happens that we come across someone who matches ours by thinking and way of life does not agree. This is completely normal. We are people after all different and that's what makes us interesting. However, such situations - especially if we do not have much self-confidence - quickly lead us to apologies and even change your mind.
7 things I will no longer apologize for!
Stop. You have every right to be such, as you are and you stand behind it. It follows 10 things, which you don't need to worry about justify.
1. Level of education
No one denies that a higher education is something to be proud of and can open many doors for you. But definitely is not the only path to success. Remember: education is your thing and your choice, for which only you know exactly what led you to it.
2. Political beliefs
Everyone has the right to your opinion and beliefs. There's nothing wrong with someone disagreeing with you and giving you their point of view, but don't let that lead you to make excuses. By being expressed their political views, you didn't no error.
3. Religious views
Faith is one of the most personal pages of an individual's life. Only you know how faith has helped you in the most difficult moments, and if anyone finds a problem with it, it is only his problem and not even yours by any chance. The same applies if you are not religious - that is entirely your business and does not affect it, what a good person you are.
4. Success
If you don't have a lot of self-confidence, you're probably not used to bragging in front of society. However, know that in that you are be proud of yourself because of career success or other victory, it is not right nothing bad. True friends will be proud of you and will be you encouraged to new successes.
5. Actions of other people
You start apologizing when someone disagrees with you the actions of your loved ones? Stop. Whether it's a family member, friend or co-worker, it's everyone responsible for his own behavior. If you don't agree with him, you can express it yourself, but don't make excuses for something that happened beyond your control.
6. Appearance
The how you look, how get dressed, how put on your makeup and what a hairstyle you have chosen, they are completely your decisions, which they do no harm right to no one. If someone doesn't like them, no problem. Nobody told him to look like you. We all have moments when we're not happy with our appearance, but don't let that lead you to make excuses for it.
7. The need for time for yourself
We all have times when we feel like everything is too much and we need some time for ourselves. Some, however, naturally enjoy their own company and are tired of constant socializing. There's nothing wrong with either, so simply explain to your friends that you need some solitude right now, but you'll be happy to see them when you're feeling better.
8. Priorities and values
We all have priorities and values, according to which we act in life and since we are different, it is normal that from individual to individual they differ. If your values are different from someone else's, no way you don't need to be ashamed. Beauty maturity it is precisely in the fact that we can also accept views of the world that differ from our own.
9. When you don't know something
It has happened to everyone at some point that they answer a certain question he didn't know. It is completely humanly - we learn all our lives, and rightly so no one knows everything. Instead of apologizing for your ignorance, use it as an opportunity opportunity, that the interlocutor just learn something new.
10. Disagreement
Have you ever disagreed with a friend about something and you rather remained silent or even for that matter apologies? Don't allow yourself to do that. Again, it's perfectly normal, yes we don't all have the same opinion – maybe disagreement even opens doors interesting debates. It is also a property good friendship that we don't insist on things to each other that we know won't end well, but clearly to a friend let's have our say and maybe even save him from unnecessary problems.