
10 Things Happy Couples Never Do

Photo: StockSnap/Pixabay

Happy long-term couples can learn a lot about how to maintain a loving relationship. Among other things, there are some things and habits that happy couples avoid. We have selected ten things that you should avoid if you want your relationship or marriage to last.

1. They are not afraid of difficult conversations

No matter how well they work together, there isn't a couple that doesn't argue at some point. Disagreements are inevitable in relationships and happy couples rather than their feelings swept under the rug, they talk openly and honestly about sensitive topics. If you do not solve some important issues and dilemmas in the relationship, resentment and separation may occur.

2. They don't follow through on results

Happy couples don't act like accountants, tallying each other's good and bad deeds. Both parties in a healthy, happy relationship they do things lovingly for the other half without expecting anything in return. If things happen to be a bit out of balance, you two will talk about it in a respectful, non-accusatory tone.

One of the foundations of a healthy and happy relationship is trust.
Photo: StochSnap/Pixabay

3. They don't hold grudges

In unhappy couples, frustrations and disappointments eventually create distance. On the other hand, in happy couples, both parties are aware that none of them are perfect and are willing to apologize, accept the apology, and move on.

4. They don't insult each other

Even when an argument is at its peak, happy couples try to avoid communication that offends each other, knowing how counterproductive it is and how much it deepens negativity and anger. Many couples call each other idiots, losers, bastards during arguments. People in happy relationships, who also experience anger, frustration and disappointment in the relationship, try to maintain a respectful attitude towards their partner at all times.

5. They are trustworthy

One of the foundations of being healthy and happy relationship is trust. Therefore, the idea of browsing the messages or e-mails of the interlocutor is unacceptable for happy couples.

6. They don't lie to each other

Couples in healthy, happy relationships are open to each other. There are no lies or deception with them. Detention lies make it harder to maintain a relationship and it takes a lot of energy and if the truth comes out it's hard to rebuild trust. People in healthy relationships love each other for who they are and support honesty regardless of the potential harm it may cause.

7. They do not treat their partner as an opponent

Happy couples are regularly reminded that they are on the same team. They avoid seeing situations as winners and losers. When your partner you will not be treated as an enemy, your relationship will be much happier. When situations call for it, happy couples talk, make compromises and choose the best solutions for both parties.

8. They don't take each other for granted

In long relationships, it can easily happen that we stop trying because of the feeling of comfort and stability. Some couples eventually set up your relationship on autopilot, but not the truly happy ones. Do your best all the time and nurture the relationship whether it lasts a year, five years or 15 years.

Postponing intimacy can lead to estrangement between partners.
Photo: Pexels/Pixabay

9. They don't gossip about each other

Happy couples stick with each other and don't slander each other. It's perfectly normal and even healthy to sometimes complain to your friends about disagreements with your partner, but happy couples won't allow themselves to the whole situation changed into disaster. If you are frustrated about something, instead of gossiping with your partner, talk to your partner and figure out the problem together.

10. They do not neglect intimate moments

In the busy world we live in, it is very difficult to determine and organize time for intimacy, especially if you also have children. But neglecting the intimate aspect of the relationship not good for a relationship in any way or marriage. Postponing intimacy can lead to estrangement between partners, so couples in quality relationships do not always wait for the "right moment", but create it themselves.

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