
10 things your mother will never tell you

Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

Pregnant. Her heart was pounding. She was nervous, excited, scared at the same time. She's going to be a mom.

And so began a life-changing, indescribably wonderful journey in love in her life.

Nine months later, she became a mother. Your mother.

And these things your mother may never tell you.

1. She cried because of you. Many times.

She cried when she found out she was pregnant. She cried when she gave birth to you. She cried when she held you for the first time. She cried with happiness. She cried out of fear. She cried with worry. She cried because she felt your pain and your happiness, whether you noticed it or not.

2. She wanted that last piece of cake.

But when she saw you looking at it with big eyes and licking your lips, she couldn't eat it. She knew that she would be happier if you were happy too.

3. It hurt.

It hurt when you pulled her hair. When you grabbed her with those sharp nails that were impossible to cut off, it hurt. When you bit her while nursing, it hurt. When you kicked her in the ribs in her tummy, it hurt.

You are her love at first sight. Photo: Echo Grid / Unsplash

She carried you in her womb for nine months. There were many things - from nausea, swollen legs, cramps to labor contractions, she never complained, she did everything for you and always will.

4. She was always afraid.

From the moment you were conceived, she did everything to protect you. Her heart immediately fell for you. She was afraid that you would fall at the first steps. She stayed up late into the night to hear you got home safely and woke up early to make you breakfast. He is always there to protect you from the downfalls of life.

5. She knows she's not perfect.

She is her own worst critic. He knows all his faults and sometimes hates himself for them. She wanted to be the perfect mom so she wouldn't do anything wrong, but being only human, she made mistakes. He's probably still trying to forgive himself. She wishes with all her heart that she could go back in time and do things differently, but she can't, so be kind to her and know that she did the best she could.

I would do anything in the world for you! Photo: Vivek Kumar/Unsplash

6. She watched you while you slept.

There were nights when she wished he would finally fall asleep. She could barely keep her eyes open as she sang to you, begging you to fall asleep. After you finally fell asleep, she laid you down on the bed and all tiredness disappeared for a short time as she sat by your bed and looked at your perfect face. She felt infinite love. No sleepless night was too much for her.

7. She is always at your disposal when you need her.

Always. She always does and did everything just to make him happy and satisfied. You were with her when she cleaned, when she ate, when she slept. Her arms got tired, her back hurt, but she held you because you wanted to be close to her. She pulled you close, kissed you and played with you. In her arms you felt safe, in her arms you were happy. You knew you were loved, so she held you as often and as long as you needed.

8. Her heart ached every time you cried.

Nothing was more painful for her than the sound of your crying, the sight of your tears streaming down your face. She did everything she could to stop them, and until she did, her heart was torn into a million pieces.

9. She always put you first.

She was without food and without sleep. Always put your needs before his own. She was dealing with you all day, and at the end of the day she had no energy left for herself. But the next day she woke up and did it all over again because you mean so much to her.

You changed her and daddy's world - for the better - you. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

10. I would do it all over again.

Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs, but at the same time one of the most beautiful. Sometimes your behavior will push her to the limits of her endurance. She will cry. It will hurt her. She will try. She will make mistakes. She will study. But at the same time, he experiences many more wonderful, happy, positive moments.

She didn't know it was even possible to love someone like you (and your daddy, of course). You are her and daddy's priority whether you are 1 day old or 60 years old.

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