
10 tips from a woman who speaks 16 languages on how to learn a foreign language - the last one is key

Advice from a woman who speaks 16 languages on how to learn a language - the last one is key

If there was a unique formula for learning a new language, we'd probably all be polyglots. But there are some guidelines that can help you learn a foreign language faster. If we can trust anyone, it's a woman who speaks 16 languages.

Name Kató Lomb you may not know yet, so it's time to enter the world of this fascinating woman of Hungarian origin who spoke 16 languages in her lifetime.

Lomb she dealt with translation, which greatly facilitated her learning, but it is important to point out that this woman lived in a time when there was no audio recordings, social networks, online translation sites or similar aids.

Fascinating is that she learned most languages independently from manuals or books by authors she wanted to read. She studied grammar, read original texts and memorized language phrases most often used in speech.

She managed to design 10 simple and effective rules, how to learn a new language and combined them in a book How i learn languages. Any advice will come in handy!

 10 simple and effective rules for learning a new language
10 simple and effective rules for learning a new language

1. You need to practice the language every day, which means you need to specify time, when you will taught. Learning is similar to exercise – if you want to have muscles, you must to exercise. Set aside at least every day 15 minutes to read or learn new sentences.

2. If you lose very quickly interest, you have to find own system, how to study, to make it fun. If every day sit in the room and study at the table, you can ever do an exception – listen to speech or music while walking in the language you like.

3. Context is most important. You should never learn new words separately, which means you are you have to remember them in context. If you remembered a certain phrase, one word will always remind you of others.

If you sit in a room and study at a desk every day, you can sometimes make an exception.
If you sit in a room and study at a desk every day, you can sometimes make an exception.

4. It's important that you are you write down sentences, which is most often they use and you hear them. When you will speak in a foreign language, these same sentences often you use, that you will be them remembered.

5. Translate things to mind – try to translate every thing you see into language, which you are learning. Be it commercials, songs, journalistic contributions...

6. Learning by heart can be useful, but you must be sure that study properly. There must be sentences 100 % correct because you will remember the wrong things and you will find it hard to forget them. If you're not sure, talk to someone consult.

7. All the sentences you wrote down in advance always write in the first personME.

Don't be ashamed when you make a mistake.
Don't be ashamed when you make a mistake.

8. A foreign language you will not learn v isolation, on lecture or at home while solving exercises. It's not enough that you are closed, but instead you need to talk. Read on newspapers, see movies and se hang out with friends.

9. Be convinced, that you will despite the difficult journey, we learned a lot of new things. You will eventually knew a new language!

10. Don't be ashamed when you make a mistake. People don't want to to speak, when they find out, that they are something said or written wrong. You should be afraid if you don't make a mistake or nobody warns you about it. Always check things.

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