When we prepare for a business meeting, dinner or presentation, we usually devote the most time to what we will say there. However, attention should also be paid to non-verbal communication. Especially when we see someone for the first time, this is extremely important, because the first impression someone creates about us is difficult to change. The following are the 10 most common mistakes you can make with your gestures.
1. You constantly look at the clock
If you glance at the clock on the wall or look at your wrist, you're telling yourself that you're boredom and that you can't wait for the meeting to end, which will certainly not present you in a good light.
If you are pressed for time or have to leave after a certain time, it is best to do so already let us know at the beginning and set it on your phone silent alarm. When the time comes, it will excuse me. People will understand and accept this much better than if they see you constantly looking at your watch.
2. A weak and uncertain handshake
A weak handshake can send a message to you about the other person don't care, which is especially bad if it's someone from your workplace. Your handshake should be firm, a not too strong. This will give the impression that you are confident and full of interest. When shaking hands, it is good to establish as well eye contact, but not too intense, so as not to arouse unpleasant feelings in the interlocutor).
3. You block the space between you and the interlocutor
If you have a phone, minutes, book...., during the conversation put on the table. If your hands are full, you will unconsciously send a message that you are already busy with something, and thus the probability that someone else will approach you will be lower.
But if you remove all things from your reach, you will create a feeling connection, as the interlocutor will get the feeling that he has yours full attention.
4. You remove fibers or hair from clothes
Fibers, hair, crumbs - all these have an annoying habit of sticking to our clothes. However, do not remove them during a meeting or presentation, as this will leave an impression boredom and disinterest. It is best to solve the problem before it starts, also because the perception of us is also influenced by whether our clothes are clean and ironed.
5. You get too close to people
Ours personal space extends from 45 cm to 122 cm around us. If you "cross" this limit, i.e. get too close, you will arouse feelings in people discomfort, so left a bad impression. Unless someone is a close friend or family member of yours, it's best to hold back safe distances.
6. You rub your hands
If you rub your hands together while presenting your ideas, you give the impression that you are not completely into them and yourself. convinced. Even if this is true, you are more likely to impress people if your gestures and speech are confident. It is best to rest your hands next to the body or on the table.
7. Turning away from the interlocutor
If someone stops you and starts a conversation while you were heading in the other direction, it's best to turn your body back against him. If your feet are facing the other direction, you will leave the impression that the conversation is just for you not a priority and that you can't wait to leave.
8. You don't maintain eye contact
When you are talking to someone, it is important that the person looking into your eyes. It is also good to maintain eye contact when presenting your ideas to the group. The only places where your gaze can escape are board and your notes, but by no means the floor, ceiling, through the window... This would signal that the conversation is with you not interested.
9. Sit on the edge of your chair
The way you sit during a business meeting or dinner can send different messages. Sitting on the edge of your chair shows that you are uncomfortable and yes you are not sure into yourself and your opinion. So you better settle down comfortable and as much as possible calm down. This will make you radiate self-confidence, relaxation and satisfaction.
10. You don't repeat the behavior of other people
Of course, you don't have to copy every gesture of your interlocutor - that would undoubtedly leave a strange impression. But if the person he smiles and nods, it is best to do the same. So she will feel that she you trust and conversation follow.