
10 clear signs that a woman is unhappy in a relationship or marriage!

Marriage does not necessarily mean happiness. Many women do not feel fulfilled and satisfied in marriage or relationships, although they would never admit it to themselves.

Unhappily married or attached women are not uncommon. We usually associate them with the concept of frustration, but dissatisfied women show in many other ways that there is no happiness in their marriage or relationship.

These are common signs to look out for and talk about if they occur - especially if there are several of them. Partner problems can only be solved by talking, silence is definitely not the solution here.

10. Less conversation

If a woman reduces communication with her partner or limits it to only necessary things, this may be a sign that something is bothering her.

9. It “falls out” quickly

Dissatisfied women are always "on edge". This means that they can lose their temper and that even the smallest detail can irritate them.

8. She is constantly tired

One study found that women in unhappy relationships/marriages had lower levels of the hormone cortisol. Chronic fatigue therefore occurs as a side effect.

She is constantly tired.

7. He refuses to have sex

Unexpectedly, a woman who is unhappy in a relationship/marriage will try in every way to avoid sexual relations with her partner.

6. It has many secrets

Any quality relationship, including marriage, requires honesty. As soon as many secrets appear, it means that someone is dissatisfied.

5. She lost her confidence

Marriage/partnership is based on mutual trust. As soon as this begins to be lost, it means that relations are strained.

She lost her confidence.

4. He does not pay attention to his partner

As soon as a woman loses interest in her partner, it is clear that she cannot be satisfied with him.

3. He has new interests

If a woman suddenly has new hobbies and interests that her partner is not involved in and that she has not talked about, this is usually a sign that something is wrong.

2. Think only of yourself

Women who are not satisfied with their relationship/marriage often become selfish. Only their own things are important to them and they don't pay attention to their partner's wishes.

Think only of yourself.

1. Constantly changing appearance

This is a well-known sign that has proven to be quite accurate. If a woman suddenly changes her hair color, hairstyle or fashion style, it may mean that she is unhappy in her relationship/marriage and wants to open a new page in her life.

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