
10 ways to use eggshell that work wonders in the household

The next time you prepare pancakes, an omelet or any other dish that requires eggs, don't throw away the eggshell. This one is still useful in the household. Here are ten examples of the use of the miraculous eggshell, which will provide miracles even in the household or on our skin.

1. Natural drain unclog.

A few crushed eggshells can quickly get stuck in our sink. These trap other solids and gradually break down and decompose. In this way, eggshells naturally clean our pipes.

2. Prepare a powerful cleaner from eggshells.

Ground eggshell makes a wonderful (and non-toxic) polish for pots, pans or vases. If you mix them with a little soapy water, you get a powerful cleaner.

3. The coffee will be less bitter.

If we add eggshells to coffee in the filter, our morning coffee will be less bitter. The rest of the ground coffee, eggshells and biodegradable filter can then be put on the compost.

4. Soothes irritated skin.

If you dissolve an eggshell in a small glass of apple cider vinegar (this usually takes about two days), the mixture can be used to soothe less irritated or itchy skin.

5. Eggshell can also be a nourishing face mask.

Crush the dried eggshells in a mortar and then mix them with the egg white. Apply the mask to your face and let it dry. Then we wash it off. Our skin will be healthier and we won't have the feeling of tightness.

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6. Make your own supply of calcium powder.

Skip the pills and simply bake the eggshells at 350 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes. After they have cooled down, grind them into a fine powder. A teaspoon (or less) of this powder can be added to our smoothie or juice once a day.

7. Our laundry can be white again.

If we add some eggshells to the laundry net and then put it among the laundry in the washing machine, we will pick up the gray matter from the laundry with the help of the shell.

8. Let's scare the snails in the garden.

Crushed eggshells, which we will arrange among our roses and other flowers, will protect them from hungry herbivores such as slugs, snails and caterpillars. The smell of eggshells is said to even drive away deer.

9. We also strengthen our pet.

Place the dry eggshells, which we baked at 250 degrees Celsius for half an hour, in a plastic bag that can be closed well, and then crush them into a fine powder with a rolling pin. The powder can be added to our dog's food, and the calcium in it will strengthen his bones and teeth.

10. Models for chocolate or gelatin.

Carefully fill the blown eggshells with gelatin or chocolate. With this, we will create a unique egg-shaped dessert; before serving, carefully peel off the shell or leave it on and leave it to the guests to find their chocolate surprise.

Now that our brains are full of information about the ingenious reuses of eggshells, let's add that researchers at Ohio State University discovered that they could be eggshells are crucial for the production of affordable hydrogen fuel. We have already heard of the phrase "walking on eggs", maybe in the future we will also ride on them.

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