
10 ways to make it clear to him that he's losing you

Photo: Victoria Priessnitz/Unsplash

No one deserves to be taken for granted, especially if it's someone you're in a relationship with. Do you feel like you're just a kind of safety net for him, someone who's there no matter what he's doing, just to make him feel like he's not alone?

Of course, it wasn't always like that. The start was perfect. When you're in love, you don't see mistakes.

When men feel like they've caught you, that you'll never leave them, they start to forget about you. They are convinced that you will spend the rest of your life with them, so they simply stop trying. They stop investing in the relationship and stop worrying about possibly losing you. Sometimes they even ignore you.

Let's take a look at 10 ways that will make him realize he's losing you!

1. Don't show you care

Get away from him. Don't ask him where he was or what he was doing. Don't ask about his friends or his plans, and don't wait for him to ask you out like you have nothing else to do.

Don't talk to anyone about what's going on in your life. Use this time to work on yourself and do the things you like.

Let him do what he wants and don't oppose it. If he cares about you, he'll probably be worried that you're not responding like you used to, and he'll wonder why.

2. Stop responding to his calls and texts

Don't always be at his disposal. He's used to you responding immediately to his texts and phone calls and always being there. By changing these behavior patterns, you will show him what his life would look like without you in it.

Don't answer his calls, ignore his texting. He will wonder; why are you not available? What's going on here? He will see what his life would be like without you.

3. Don't let him depend on you

Stop doing things for him. Stop making his life easy. Better take care of yourself. Redirect all the energy you wasted on him and start focusing on your life.

You seem to be drifting away from each other. Photo: Joanna Nix Walkup/Unsplash

Show him what a strong, independent woman you are. Teach him a valuable lesson. Start with a few small things; let him cook himself dinner and iron his shirts.

4. You must learn to say no

Stand up for yourself. Don't let him drag you to places he likes and do things he wants, not you. You have your own life too. Don't let him make you do things you hate and go places you don't want to go. If you can't find a compromise, do your own thing.

5. Go out without him

This will show him that you can have fun without him. Don't leave dinner ready for him and tell him not to wait. If he asks follow-up questions, don't give any specific answers. Make him feel uneasy, scared, and maybe even a little jealous.

Usually this is not the right thing to do, but in your situation it is successful to provoke any emotion, even if it is envy or jealousy. This means that he still has feelings for you, but they have been hidden somewhere.

6. Cancel plans at the last minute

Stop doing whatever he wants you to do. If he didn't have the decency to tell you his plans at the right time, it's a sign that he doesn't value your time, and if he doesn't value your time, he doesn't respect you.

You no longer do all the things for him. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

If he doesn't respect you, there's no need to respect him. Show him you won't be his second choice—someone he calls when everyone else has abandoned him. Show him how you feel by offering him his own medicine.

7. Find a new hobby

You need your world to stop revolving around it. You need to show him that you are perfectly fine without him. The best way to do this is to start doing new things. This will enrich your social life - you will hang out with people who like the same things as you. The most important thing is to show your man that you can function perfectly without him.

8. No sex

Taking that away from them is sure to get the reaction you're looking for. Sexuality makes a man feel emotionally and physically close to you. Another thing that will make him think if you suddenly introduce some new moves in the bedroom after holding off on sex for a while.

9. Flirt with others

If you are not happy with your relationship, you can always leave without destroying your dignity and starting an affair. However, this does not mean that you should not flirt with other men, even if you are in a relationship and especially if it will help save your relationship.

After a longer sexual break, you introduce new poses into the relationship that raise questions for him. Photo: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

However, do this only if absolutely necessary. If a man is not giving you any attention, do something about it and show him that there are men out there who would be happy to be in his place.

10. Talk to him

Simply talk about your fears with your partner. Look him in the eye and tell him everything that bothers you. Remind him of those times when you just met and how easy things were. Invite him into your shoes.

It's always the best way to go, but unfortunately most men don't want to talk about these things because they don't want to admit they've done something wrong.

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