
10 ways to use Coca-Cola that you probably don't know

Think Coca-Cola is just for drinking? Oh, no, no! Coca-cola is also useful in other ways, and these 10 alternative uses may honestly surprise you.

Natural curls

The orthophosphoric acid in Coca-Cola closes the hair cuticle, making it look shiny and slightly wavy. The low pH in the drink also normalizes the acid-alkaline balance, which is good for anyone with dry and brittle hair. So wet your hair with Coca-Cola and after 5 to 10 minutes wash it normally with shampoo. Famous actress and model Suki Waterhouse also does this.

Suki Waterhouse uses Coca-Cola too...but as a hair treatment.
Suki Waterhouse also uses Coca-Cola...but as a hair treatment.

Removing chewing gum

If you get gum stuck in your hair, there's no need to 'panic'. Pour some Coca-Cola on the chewing gum and let it sit for a few minutes. Then slowly and carefully remove the chewing gum. The procedure is a bit longer, but certainly better than cutting hair.

Hair bleaching

If you think your hair is too dark after dyeing, you can bleach it a bit with Coca-Cola. This is ensured by the citric acid and citrus essential oil found in the drink.

Protection from pests

Farmers in India spray crops with Coca-Cola to protect them from insects. But it's not the chemicals that take care of it, but the sugar syrup. This attracts red ants, which are the worst enemy of pests. You can also get rid of snails in the garden with the help of Coca-Cola. Pour some Coca-Cola into the smaller plates and let the magic happen.

Pain relief

If the insects have left you with an unpleasant bite, then you can soften it with a cotton pad soaked in Coca-Cola. Itching and burning will be significantly reduced. This is probably due to caffeine, which has an anesthetic effect. Therefore, the drink can also be used to relieve the pain of a jellyfish sting.

READ MORE: Experiment: How much sugar is in Coca-Cola and how much in Coca-Cola Zero?

Coca-Cola is much more than just a drink.
Coca-Cola is much more than just a drink.

Cleaning the bathroom

Thanks to orthophosphoric acid, Coca-Cola dissolves scale and other impurities. It can be applied with a sponge or with the help of a sprayer. Leave it on for a few hours or, even better, overnight, and then wash it off. Among other things, this acid is one of the permitted food additives, so it is not harmful in reasonable quantities.

Fat removal

Acid and caffeine are excellent in the fight against fat, so Coca-Cola can be used to wash dishes and kitchen counters. The accessories are soaked in the drink for a few hours and then washed as usual.

Pungent smell

If your laundry smells like gasoline or gas or fish, soak it in a 1:1 mixture of water and Coca-Cola before washing. The drink will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell. Do not add Coca-Cola to the washing machine, and do not use it to bleach fabrics.

Cleaning coins

Fill a tall, narrow container with coins and pour Coca-Cola over it. Wait 10 to 15 minutes, then shake the container as if you were a bartender mixing a cocktail. Rinse the coins under running water.

Coca-Cola also cleans coins.
Coca-Cola also cleans coins.


Coca-Cola also copes well with rust. It can be used on screws, bare metal objects and other problems caused by rust. Pour Coca-Cola over the affected area and then scrub it with a sponge. If the rust is (too) old, use foil.

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