
11 rules for texting a new guy

Photo: envato

The first months of a relationship can be the most beautiful. But they say a lot about whether the relationship will work out or not. We will probably worry about even the smallest details, so the latter messages are high on the list, which can bring you good results if you know what to write, but of course you also need to feel it.

The following are tips from Doug Haines, a professor at the University of Sussex, and they only reveal what men want to read in a message they receive from their girlfriend.

1. Location

If a man asks you where to meet, it's a good idea to suggest a location. Be assertive and suggest a location, but never say you don't know, as that will make you seem disinterested.

2. Call him before the date

It is likely that both of you will be nervous before the first meeting, so it is recommended that you call the person and tell them in a gentle and pleasant voice that you are on your way. In an instant, the person on the other end will be more relaxed.

Photo: Wiktor Karkocha / Unsplash

3. Reply to a message at any time

Forget the rules here. Leaving someone "on hold" will turn the person away rather than attract them. It is true that you do not need to write off the same second, but in a shorter time it will be just right.

4. Send a cute text before bed

This message doesn't have to be too sweet, wish him a peaceful dream and add an emoji next to it. This brings warmth to the heart of the person on the other side.

Photo: Priscilla du Preez / Unsplash

5. Keep negative messages to yourself

Also, if you had a bad day, you can say so, because it will probably be clear from your communication, but in no case do not dump the whole file on the person, why you are in a bad mood, because then your partner may also be in a bad mood. Correspondence is not a place where you can get rid of negative vibes and can often end up in an argument caused by a misunderstanding.

6. Don't be afraid to ask him out

Even women can ask a man out on a date, there's nothing wrong with that, especially if it's a second or third date. You will show interest, which men like.

7. Don't analyze his messages

Men are quite simple when it comes to correspondence. Once you get to know the person and if the communication starts, there is no need to worry about "cold" messages. As long as the conversation is flowing, everything is fine, but don't analyze every comma, period, symbol...

8. Don't overdo it with emoticons

Emoticons or emojis can be great to spice up a text message, but don't overdo it. Sending one goodnight kiss will be better than sending five.

Photo: Domingo Alvarez/Unsplash

9. Don't ask too many questions

Having a debate with your partner is great, but don't overdo it with questions, as it can quickly come off as if you're interrogating them. Listen to him, give your opinion and calmly continue the conversation.

10. Follow your intuition

If you feel that something is not right and this feeling has been dragging on for a few days, it is good to talk about it, because it is not good for anyone to feel uncomfortable. When you say how you feel, be careful with your words so you don't hurt the person on the other end.

11. Skip the sexting

Messages can quickly become flirtatious, but it's a good idea not to use this at the very beginning, because it can only mean that you or your partner is only interested in sex and not in a serious relationship.

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