
11 signs that the universe is about to come to your rescue: Look out for the following signs

Pay attention to the following 11 signs - the universe is telling you that beautiful things are coming into your life!

We receive different types of signs from the universe every day, but decoding them and using them in our daily lives is a bit more of a challenge.

But the universe does not give up on us. If we ignore the first signs, the universe will persist and send slightly more obvious signs. They can appear in the form of physical symptoms or in the form of events that push us out of our comfort zone.

So pay attention when you notice any of the following.

1. Occurrences that could be coincidence, except that the timing is too perfect.

2. Dreams that offer you messages or suggestions.

3. Books, texts and videos that speak directly to what is happening in your life right now.

4. Physical symptoms that point to something deeper (for example, back pain when carrying the weight of a svea).

5. Obstacles on the current life path. If something seems a lot harder than it should be, it could be a sign that you should choose a different path. When you listen to the universe, things happen effortlessly.

6. Messages that appear during meditation.

7. An intuition you can't ignore.

8. A sense of inner conviction, of knowing that something is true, even though it is completely crazy, unbelievable, or unattainable.

9. Song lyrics that keep repeating.

10. Answers to prayers that guide your path.

11. People you are drawn to and guide you on your journey or share the journey with you.

The universe is telling you that beautiful things are coming into your life!

The universe doesn't always speak clearly. Sometimes the signs are confusing, not necessarily because the universe can't send clear messages, but because you're half-listening. The universe tries to communicate when they happen strange coincidences, random discoveries, books open to a certain page, strange, confusing dreams appear, which do not answer all questions. You still have a choice no matter what the universe says or does. You may be disappointed with the answers, or you may decide to keep listening. So you can follow the signs or ignore them.

You can ask for guidance from the universe in this way:

"If there's anything I need to do, let me know."

"If I have to do (insert action that bothers you), send me a sign."

"I am asking you to send me all the messages I need to receive with the help of dreams."

Remember that the universe will give you even more guidance if you are brave enough to follow the instructions.

And don't forget to say thank you.

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