
11 signs you have the rarest personality type

There are several different personality typologies. Among the most famous are the Big Five theories and the Myer-Briggs theory of personality, which is based on the findings of psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. The Myer-Briggs typology is controversial - some are passionate advocates of it, while others loudly criticize it as unscientific. According to this theory, people can be classified into 16 groups based on a combination of traits on four different scales: introvert (I) or extravert (E), intuitive (N) or sensitive (S), feeling (F) or thinking (T) and evaluative (J) or observant (P). According to research, the rarest personality type is the INFJ. In the article you will find 11 signs that you have the rarest personality type.

According to the Myer-Briggs personality theory, people can be divided into 16 groups. The least number of people (just 2 %) are said to belong to the INFJ type. Such people are introverted, rely on intuition, prefer to make decisions based on their feelings, and like structure and order. Here are 11 signs that you have the rarest personality type. You can find out which sign you belong to by solving this test.

The INFJ believes in quality

Such people prefer less and better quality than more. This applies to both goods and friendships.

INFJs gain confidence quickly

This personality type quickly gains the trust of other people. Because they are introverted, they let others tell their stories, and because of their reliance on feelings, they quickly sense how they should respond to others.

The INFJ is highly empathetic

This personality type is very empathetic. He understands the plight and pain of others and tries to help them at all costs.

He is quick to perceive the pain of others
He is quick to perceive the pain of others

The INFJ hates lies

The INFJ is truthful and expects nothing less from others. He doesn't care what short-term benefits these (small) lies can bring. The truth is the main value for him.

INFJs seem extroverted to those around them

This personality type adapts very quickly to social situations. Many introverts are awkward in large groups, but this is not the case for the INFJ.

INFJs stick to their values

When an INFJ adopts certain values into his life, he follows them unconditionally. Their moral stance is unwavering.

The INFJ has some very good friends

The INFJ has a pretty small tight circle of friends. However, these relationships are solid and strong, and they give each other real pleasure.

He has some very good friends
He has some very good friends

The INFJ works best alone or in a small group

This personality type does not like working in a large group. After all, he is still an introvert, so frequent social interactions represent a large energy investment for him.

INFJs have a talent for language

These people are very good at expressing themselves. They like to read books, and they often take up writing themselves.

He hides a writer's streak in him
He hides a writer's streak in him

The INFJ always wants to help

Being very empathetic, this personality type will also always want to help those in distress. They see the best in other people and thus do not deny help even to individuals who do not act in accordance with their high moral principles.

The INFJ is a perfectionist

These people want to do the thing they undertake to the best of their ability. Many times this also beats them, because no one has to be perfect.

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