
11 small but important things that are necessary for a good married life

Happy relationship

We usually remember our wedding or the importance of our marriage on wedding anniversaries or expecting a baby, a new house, and the list goes on. But let's never forget that our marriage is made up of small, everyday moments of love, support and kindness between two people that define a lasting partnership. Here are 11 small but important things that we can do to make our marriage even stronger and remind our partner that he/she is the most important person in our life.

1. A long, long hug.

At least once a day we can make time for a long hug. Then we just stand there, not talking, moving or kissing. This is the time when we relax in each other's arms.

2. Let's do something unusual, silly or cute to make our loved one smile.

Maybe you hide his/her favorite snacks, maybe we leave him/her hidden messages describing fun moments together recently, or we can even play some ambiguous and fun word games - whatever it takes to make our the loved one made him/her smile.

3. We never forget to say "thank you".

Even when it's the simplest thing and even if someone has done this thing for us a thousand times - let's not forget to say thank you. This will give your partner the feeling that you appreciate him/her.

4. Let's create an imaginative night ritual that is just for us.

Whether it's a late-night snack, a late-night invitation to ice cream or chocolate, it's important that the children don't know anything about it.

5. Just "I love you" is not enough. It is also important to explain why.

Every night before we go to sleep, let's say to each other: "Today I love you because..." We do this according to what happened that day. If your partner doesn't go to bed at the same time, we make sure to call him/her or send a text saying why we love him/her.

READ MORE: Why will reading together improve our relationship with our partner?

6. Let's not forget to kiss when leaving.

Every day when we leave, we never forget a kiss - even if we are still in bed and even if we are busy.

7. Inside jokes are a must.

There must be more than just one thing in common between the two partners that no one else understands. Maybe we like to quote movies, we love computer games and their characters, we watch comedy series... It is important that our relationship also builds something that only makes us laugh!

8. We think of what could make our partner's day easier, and then we do it.

Maybe we warm up our partner's car in the winter and scrape the ice and snow off the car. Maybe clean his/her side of the bed too. With a busy schedule, we can bring coffee to him/her at work. Our selfless act will mean a lot to our partner, even if we could do it all ourselves.

9. Let's spend some time apart to strengthen the bond.

It is important that the partners in marriage each have their own interests and that they also like to do their own things. Women can go to yoga or dinner with friends, while men will play football, cards or go out for drinks with friends. The time we don't spend together gives us a chance to miss each other, and at the same time we can share more stories with our partner.

10. Let's not underestimate the importance of touch.

Maybe try sleeping naked for a while. We will notice that we are always touching - even if it is just two toes or a hand or a hand on a thigh.

11. Even when we are busy, let our partner know that he/she is our first priority.

If we are really busy, we can write short messages or memories of fun events to our partner in the calendar on the phone for certain days of the month, so that he/she knows that we are always thinking of him/her.

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