
11 Things You Do Because You're an Empath (And People Don't Understand)

"The pain of others hurts me as if it were my own. I feel too much." - An empath

Empaths are people who feel strongly, never turn away and feel with other people.

Are you one of them? Read what they do throughout life!

You change the mood

Depending on who you are with, where you are, and the mood of the person you are with, you change your emotions and behavior depending on the vibrations around you.

You are very sensitive to other people's feelings

Sometimes you can just look at a person and know exactly why and how they feel. You know that everyone needs a shoulder to lean on now and then, and you always offer to help.

If you see someone crying, cry with them

You feel the need to help others when they are hurt and suffering. You feel their emotions so deeply that it hurts physically and mentally - whether you see someone you love or a stranger going through a difficult time in their life.

You spend time among positive people

Because you have so much empathy inside of you, it can be really exhausting. You try to associate with people who give you positive energy and happiness.

You can't stand other people's suffering

You are charitable. You feel it is your duty to help others. You are known among your friends as the one who is always going to homeless shelters, raising funds and helping people and animals.

Friends always go to you for advice

Your friends know that you give the best advice because you always try to put yourself in their shoes and try to see things from their perspective. You are the person they turn to for help and guidance, no matter what the situation.

When you fall in love, you fall in love hard

You feel so incredibly deeply that you almost exaggerate. When you fall in love, you feel every possible emotion and love with every part of your heart. When your person is happy, that's all you need.

You need time to think

Sometimes life's situations are too much for you and you need to take a step back. You spend too much time on others and forget about yourself. You need time to yourself to recharge your batteries.

Try to see the best in everyone

No matter what someone has done or said, you always try to see the best in people. You know we all have flaws, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're bad people. You prefer to find the good in everything and everyone.

You don't jump at people's word

You enjoy listening and observing the emotions and life journey of other people.

You are relentless with yourself

Although you try to see the best in everyone, you are sometimes ruthless with yourself. You spend so much time listening to others that you forget about yourself. You have to learn to listen to yourself too.

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