
11 thoughts each of us has when we wake up with someone in our bed

Whether it's an adventure or a long and stable relationship. In both cases, the romance of the evening towards the morning can translate into a slightly less pleasant reality. 11 thoughts that come to mind when we wake up with someone in our bed are no stranger to anyone.

These are 11 thoughts that cross our mind when we wake up with someone in our bed.

I need more space.

After a hot night, we often fall asleep in a tight hug. In the morning, many people need a little more space, especially if it's summer.

Oh, morning breath.

How to subtly hint that it's time to brush your teeth?

Such thoughts haunt everyone
Such thoughts haunt everyone

What is that strange sound?

When we are relaxed and comfortable, we cannot control everything.

What's my haircut?

In the movies, celebrities wake up with a beautiful tousled hairstyle that makes them irresistibly attractive. The reality is usually a little different.

No one wakes up with a perfect morning hairstyle
No one wakes up with a perfect morning hairstyle

When will this snoring stop?

A gentle blow on the head or a change in the position of the head sometimes helps against snoring.

This blanket is way too small.

Some people are particularly good at dodging blankets. A romantic night turns into a wild fight for survival in the morning.

The alarm clock will drive me crazy.

Alarm clock every 5 minutes? Who wouldn't be crazy?

Please let me sleep.

The discord between partners, where one wants to sleep after sex and the other needs to talk, is as old as the world. If you find a solution, trust us.

Ouch, that's my hair!

How many times has it happened to you that your partner lay down or leaned on your hair?

What are you talking about?

Some people are very talkative in their sleep.

I'll be the smaller spoon.

Although men are generally bigger, they often want to be in the role of a smaller spoon. Is that fair?

Even guys want to be a smaller spoon
Even guys want to be a smaller spoon

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