Titanic/Twentieth Century Fox

11 very interesting details in movies that even the biggest fans missed!

Even though we have watched our favorite movies thousands of times, we can still miss some very interesting details.

So, re-watch the movies you love! You may notice the "fake" Natalie Portman that Brad Pitt is in all his movies, etc.
Here at Bright Side, we've been taking a close look at some interesting movies, and we can't help but share some of the amazing details we've seen.

1. Galadriel's Eyes (The Lord of the Rings, 2001)

© The Lord of the Rings/New Line Cinema

Galadriel is the last remaining elf in Middle-earth to see the light of the two trees of Valinor. That's why her eyes reflect the light of the stars. To achieve this effect, the film crew had to use special lighting units in the scenes featuring this character.

2. The Perfect Kiss (Thor: World of Darkness, 2013)


In the last scene of the movie, when Thor passionately kisses Jane (Natalie Portman), it's not actually Natalie Portman. The actress simply could not come to reshoot the scene because she was busy with another film. And you know who helped? Chris Hemsworth's wife, Elsa Pataky. Now it is clear why the kiss was so passionate and real.

3. A Silent Scene (The Great Gatsby, 2013)

When Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan see each other, they are simply silent for 30 seconds. This move may seem like a waste of movie time. But the director just wanted to show this scene exactly as Fitzgerald described it in his novel: "There was no sound for half a minute."

4. Find the Replicant (The Exterminator 2049, 2017)

© Blade Runner 2049/Alcon Entertainment

In the movie, you can identify a replicant by looking closely into their eyes as they look to the left and up. At the beginning of the film, viewers must also look in the upper left corner: the first word they see there is "replicants".

5. Choice of clothes (Spider-Man, 2002)

© Spider-Man/Columbia Pictures

In the 2002 film, you can see an interesting choice of clothing on the characters during the Thanksgiving scene. Peter Parker wears clothes that make him look like the Green Goblin, and Norman Osborn (whose alter-ego is the Green Goblin) wears Spider-Man colors. Maybe the creators wanted to say that these antagonists have something in common after all!

6. The Ring (A Star is Born, 2018)

© A Star Is Born/Warner Bros. Pictures

Bradley Cooper's character, Jackson “Jack” Maine, loses a lot of weight during treatment. His ring indicates that - it's about to slip off Jackson's finger.

7. The Boy We've Seen Before (The Endless Day, 1993)

© Groundhog Day/Columbia Pictures

In the movie Endless Day, there is a scene in the hospital where you can see a boy with a broken leg in the background. This is actually the same boy that the main character Phil later saves from falling.

8. Brad Pitt is always hungry (Ocean's 11, 2001)

The most observant viewers of this film have noticed that Brad Pitt's character, Rusty, is constantly something in Ocean's 11. Some believe it was Brad Pitt's idea. In the shrimp scene, Pitt had to eat as many as 40 shrimp "did everything I could". We don't quite understand why. The only guess is that the actor simply loves food.

By the way, some fans believe that Brad Pitt eats more often in movies than his colleagues. It seems we now know the key to his heart.

9. Pan African Flag (Black Panther, 2008)

© Black Panther/Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Pictures, © commons.wikimedia

The casino scene in Black Panther and the colors of the characters' clothes remind us of the Pan-African flag. This is a symbol of the African race. Ryan Coogler, who directed the film, confirmed the audience's guess.

10. Books without titles (Eternal Sun of the Immaculate Mind, 2004)

In the bookstore scene, we see unusual books - none of them have titles. The director planned this idea in advance. It was used to emphasize that Jim Carrey's character, Joel, cannot remember every minute detail.

11. Disaster Time (Titanic, 1997)

© Titanic/Twentieth Century Fox

At the end of the film, Rose remembers everyone she met on the ship. When it comes to Jack, we see a clock behind him showing the time 2:20. That's when the Titanic sank.

What interesting details have you noticed in the movies you love?

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