
The 12 most common mistakes most women make in relationships

Put yourself in his shoes.

Many relationships can be solved if you look at the situation, the relationship from a different angle.

If you can deal with the things on this list, you will notice that your relationship changes for the better.

1. You get upset if he looks at or talks to another woman

It's in a man's nature to watch, you're just showing your insecurities. If you get jealous when a woman is around him, you need to think about it, because it indicates that there is a lack of trust in your relationship or that you need to build up your self-esteem.

2. Disrespecting his personal space

If he is in a bad mood or doesn't feel like talking, leave him alone. Most men don't want to talk about their problems the way women do. Instead, they prefer to withdraw and work things out with themselves. They need their space to think and find solutions.

3. Don't worry about yourself or abandon yourself

A lot of women think there's nothing wrong with stopping taking care of themselves; as soon as they are in a serious relationship. Instead, they are even more motivated, so that the attraction remains alive and the sexual energy does not dry up.

4. You have no life of your own

Don't be one of those women who forgets about her friends and hobbies as soon as she's in a relationship. This almost never ends well as it makes you look possessive and weak.

You have no life of your own.

5. You are passive aggressive

Men are much more direct than women if you tell him there's nothing wrong and then keep quiet and blow your nose and wait for his response. You will only cause anger and dissatisfaction. If you have problems, be honest and direct.

6. Harassment

No man is perfect, no one is capable of giving you everything you need. There will be times when you are not happy with what he is doing. If this happens, don't nag him. The best strategy is to tell him what you want (I like it when you do X) instead of telling him what you don't want (Why don't you ever do Y?)

7. You don't appreciate it

Don't point out the things he doesn't do, but the things he does. Praise him. Appreciate it! The more you show that you appreciate him, the more he will try to please you.

8. You are snarky/weepy

We all have bad days, that's understandable. However, it is in your best interest to try to be happy and positive. No one wants to hang out with a negative person. We are generally attracted to people who are happy and radiate positive energy. Wake up with a smile, express gratitude, see the good in your life and in your relationship. This will not only help you in your relationships, but it will improve your life in general.

You are snarky/weepy.

9. Don't dump your insecurities on him

It's not his fault if you feel fat, or if you've found a wrinkle, or if you're afraid he'll leave you for someone more perfect and new; these are your problems - don't turn them into relationship problems.
If he's with you, he's attracted to you. Why do you tell him differently, why do you emphasize all your flaws. I probably wouldn't even notice all of these things until you point them out. So why warn? Men are attracted to confident women, so you will not only make him aware of your flaws, but also reduce his general attraction to you.

10. Try to change it

When you enter into a relationship, you have to take the person for who they are, not who you want them to be. It is what it is, take it or leave it. As for the little things, like the fact that he leaves socks all over the apartment, be gentle and encouraging. Don't criticize. Say something that makes him feel good, something that inspires him to change himself.

11. Don't love him in a way that makes him feel loved

Everyone feels love differently. Most women feel loved when a man brings them a bouquet of flowers, while such a gesture would be meaningless to a man. Men have their own ways of feeling loved. It can be gifts, food, compliments, a cup of tea or a massage at the end of a long day. Pay attention to how he reacts to things to find out what makes him feel truly loved and try to do it as often as possible.

12. You are running out of time

Go slowly into a relationship, get to know each other. If you get carried away in the early stages of falling in love and spend all your time with this person, you're likely to miss any warning signs that something isn't quite right.

Why? Because your rational side will be taken over by emotional stimulation. Enter the relationship in a way that you don't lose yourself in it or end up with someone who is completely wrong for you.

You're running out of time.

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