
12 reasons why old souls have such a hard time finding love

"Emotions must always be free. Never judge future love by past suffering. You love because you love. There is no special reason to love.” - Paulo Coelho

Old souls are not interested in surface love in which there is no depth, but strive for a partnership in which their soul sinks into the depth of another soul. Are you an old soul too?

1. They have a strong sense of identity

They know who they are, which means they know exactly what they want and don't want in a partner, what works and what doesn't.

2. They think too much

They are very sensitive, constantly worrying and making assumptions in their minds.

3. They hook up with temporary partners more often

Life often connects them with people from whom they need to learn and grow. Because they learn lessons quickly, they can move on quickly.

4. They have a higher mission and love, would only hinder them in doing so

They want to achieve something in life before they find love - because when old souls fall in love, they love deeply and completely.

5. They don't settle for average, they want perfect love

They don't just want a superficial and ordinary relationship. They will not settle down until they find the right person with whom they can have true and deep soul-level love, if not, they prefer to be alone.

6. They can feel passion, but rarely find compatibility

Finding someone they are attracted to is not that difficult, but finding someone who will be their best friend, confidant, supporter and lover at the same time is their challenge.

7. Modern ways of dating are not for them

Although they don't mind, meeting online or looking for a partner elsewhere is not natural for them. They want spontaneous, old-fashioned dates.

8. They attract people who need their help, but not their love

They are natural healers. The old soul feels and wants to help someone who needs it. But they must realize that if they want love, they must meet a partner and not someone who only needs their help.

9. They are not fond of games

The rules of today's game, where you have to show disinterest to appear interesting, discourage them; they see no point in it. Let's say; how much time has to pass after the first date before they can send a message. Their sincerity and truthfulness do not fit in with today's world, where pretense and lies prevail.

10. They have high standards

They expect a lot from themselves and also from their partner, which is good on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is important to accept a person as he is, rather than erasing him from life because he is imperfect.

11. They have luggage

They realize that they must first resolve the past before they can move forward and establish a truly quality relationship.

12. They feel fear as intensely as love

They are afraid of losing love, of not being good enough. They love intensely, they also feel everything else more intensely, which sometimes prevents them from experiencing many good things.

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