
12 secrets about karma that can change your life

What is karma? The word karma is of Sanskrit origin and means "action". This is the equivalent of Newton's law which states, "Every action must have a reaction."

When we think, speak, or act, we set in motion a force that will respond accordingly. This back force can be changed or prevented, but most people cannot neutralize it. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but exists for learning and developmentj. Man cannot avoid the consequences of his actions, but he will succumb to them only when the conditions are fully ripe.

Failure to comply with this law does not bring any benefit. In order to stop being afraid and start understanding the world of karma, we need to know the karmic rules.

1. The Great Law

"You reap what you sow." This is also known as the law of “cause and effect”. This means that whatever we send into space will come back to us. If we want happiness, peace, love, friendship... then we must be happy, calm, loving and kind.

2. The law of creation

Life does not happen by itself, it requires our cooperation. We are one with the universe, inside and out. Whatever surrounds us also tells us about our inner state. Be yourself, surround yourself with what you want to have in your life.

3. The law of humility

You can't change things if you don't learn to accept them. What you reject and do not want to accept will follow you. If what you see is an enemy or someone with qualities that you find negative, then you yourself are not focused on a higher level of existence.

4. The law of development

Wherever you go, there you are. In order to grow personally, we, not the people, the environment and the circumstances around us must change. All we have in life is ourselves and therefore we must control ourselves. When we change from within, then our heart and whole life follows this change.

5. Liability law

When something bad happens in our life, then there is something bad in us. We are a reflection of what is around us, and what is around us is a reflection of ourselves. This is a universal truth. We must become responsible for our lives.

6. The Law of Connection

Even when we feel that what we are doing is worthless, it is very important to do it right, because everything in the universe is connected. Each step leads to the next. First, we have to start with something so that we can finish the whole thing in the end. Both the first and last steps have the same meaning because both are required to complete the task. Past - present - future, everything is connected.

You can't change things if you don't learn to accept them.

7. Law of concentration

You can't think about two things at once. When we focus on spiritual values, then we will not have temptations like greed, lust or anger.

8. Law of donation and hospitality

If you believe something to be true, life will call you from time to time to demonstrate that truth. In those moments, what we think we have learned, we show in practice.

9. Law "here and now"

If we dwell too much on the past, we fail to be in the here and now. Old thoughts, old behavior patterns, old dreams... prevent us from new ones.

10. Law of change

History repeats itself until we learn the lessons we need to change course.

11. The Law of Suffering and Reward

Every reward requires an initial effort. Rewards that have a lasting impact require patience and constant effort. True joy comes when we do what we must and let the reward come in its own time.

12. The Law of Meaning and Inspiration

We always get back what we put in. The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intention invested. Each personal contribution is at the same time a contribution to the whole. Works that lack light do not affect the whole, while actions that contain love enliven and inspire the whole.

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