
The best diet 2021 is the Mediterranean diet!

The best diet of 2021 is the Mediterranean diet - this is what US News & World Report decided for the fourth year in a row.

The best diet 2021 is the Mediterranean diet! Based on a review of research on diets from medical journals, government reports, and other sources, a panel of experts in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, nutrition, nutrition psychology, and obesity made the assessment. "We assembled a group of 24 experts who live and breathe nutrition, weight loss and obesity," said Angela Haupt, managing editor for health at US News & World Report. "Each diet is evaluated in different ways: how easy it is to follow, how likely it is to lose weight long-term, how healthy and safe it is, and how effective it is at preventing or managing chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease," he says.

They are in second and third place the DASH diet, which represents nutritional approaches to prevent hypertension, and pa flexitarianism, which encourages vegetarianism most of the time, but is flexible enough to allow meat here and there.

The best diet 2021 is the Mediterranean diet!

What do all these diets have in common? They emphasize reducing or removing processed foods from our menus and focus on meals full of fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

The Dukan Diet and keto diet, which emphasize eating foods high in protein or fat with minimal carbohydrates, were last on the list. Experts usually rate these diets low because they are extremely restrictive, difficult to follow and eliminate entire food groups, which is not recommended according to the dietary guidelines.

Even more accolades for the Mediterranean diet

The analysis of 39 diet plans, in addition to being recognized as the best diet 2021, also brought the Mediterranean diet first place in the category the best plant-based diets. Flexitarianism ranked second, followed by nordic diet, which encourages the consumption of local foods with a low glycemic index.

The Mediterranean diet is together with the DASH diet and the Ornish diet received top honors in the Best Heart Healthy Diet category. The Ornish diet was created in 1977 by Dr. Dean Ornish, founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California. Ornish sees the diet as the only scientifically proven program to eliminate heart disease without drugs or surgery. Experts, on the other hand, believe that the diet is too restrictive and difficult to follow.

The Mediterranean diet was ranked first in the category along with flexitarianism best diets for diabetics and together with WW (Weight Watchers) in the category the easiest diets to follow. Along with the DASH diet, it shares first place for the best diet for healthy eating.

The Mediterranean diet is the best plant-based diet, the best heart-healthy diet, and the best diet for diabetics.

Such high recognitions are not surprising, as many studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression and breast cancer. Meals from the sunny Mediterranean are also linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and a longer life.

Nutrition includes simple plant-based cooking, with the majority of each meal centered on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and seeds, with some nuts and a heavy emphasis on extra virgin olive oil. Say goodbye to refined sugar and flour, except on rare occasions. Fats other than olive oil, such as butter, are consumed rarely, if at all. Meat also rarely appears, usually only as a flavoring for dishes. Instead, meals may include eggs, dairy products and poultry, but in much smaller quantities than in the traditional Western diet, while fish is the main ingredient.

"It's more than just a diet, it's a lifestyle," says dietician Rahaf Al Bochi, who teaches her clients the Mediterranean diet. "It also encourages eating with friends and family, socializing at meals, consciously consuming your favorite foods, and mindful movement for a complete healthy lifestyle."

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