
12 simple but best things you can do for yourself

"To find yourself, think to yourself." - Socrates

Don't bother with lists that say: "I want my dream job", "I want to earn a six-figure salary" or something similar. Why? If you start investing too much in your dreams, forget about yourself. And because of this, it is much more difficult to achieve your goals and dreams. The reason is that you are so focused on them that you don't listen to yourself, you don't cover your basic needs that, when met, will pave the way for your bigger dreams.

Taking care of yourself will stabilize your strong emotions that you experienced after a difficult situation (after breaking a relationship, not getting your dream job, when you are worried, upset, sad or angry) and show you the way forward.

Here are 12 small steps you can take to improve your well-being.

1. Learn to say exactly what you mean

Remember to always be polite and civil, but still always tell the truth.

2. Learn to listen

Most people remain silent when someone is talking to them and prepare a response within themselves. Try to really focus on what the other person is saying. Watch her body language and emotional tone and you'll find that you can learn a lot more from it than meets the eye.

3. Learn to say “no”

Creating healthy boundaries will help you clarify your needs and wants without stressing about it. It might be a bit difficult at first, but if you look the other person in the eye and say: ” No matter how much I wish I could help you, now is not the time to do so. I can not help you," you are on the right track.

4. Learn to say “yes” when you really mean it

Many people, due to an outdated sense of politeness or low self-esteem, refuse kind compliments, offers, hoping that the other person will insist anyway.

5. Think positive

Creating scenarios in your head and expecting the worst outcome will not help you to be in a good mood. Focus on the positives.

6. Think of solutions, not problems

Most people tend to focus too much on their problems, analyze too much and ask why this, why that. At the same time, they may feel: “This is so unfair” or "I'll never get out of this." Be positive, it's the best way to avoid a bad situation. Look for solutions.

7. Avoid drama

Distance yourself from negative people and circumstances. From too much negativity and slander. Offer advice if they ask for it, but don't let their problems swallow you up.

8. Be kind

Make kindness a habit. Be kind to yourself and others. Love yourself and don't criticize yourself.

9. Recognize what you cannot control…

… and drop it!

10. Positive internal dialogue

Say kind, positive, warm words to yourself that you would use when talking to a loved one. Encourage yourself instead of scolding, blaming, or blaming yourself.

11. Use positive affirmations

Every morning before you get up and fall into your morning routine (e.g. brushing your teeth, a cup of coffee...), tell yourself a positive affirmation. And with it, set an intention for the mood of the day. Let's say: "I am strong. Today I decided to be lucky. "

12. Identify two of your strengths

Ask two good friends to tell you two of your best qualities, or identify them yourself. Then do them every day.

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