
13 lies we tell on the first date: be careful not to fall into the trap

Photo: Clay Banks/Unsplash

Many people pretend to be something they are not on a first date. They pretend to be someone else to please a potential partner. They don't consider that these innocent lies may later come back to haunt them. What are these lies?

Just look around, social networks are full of apps where everyone in the photos looks flawless, without flaws, but the reality is different.

A first date can definitely be stressful for both parties, with the help of small lies you are somehow trying to break the ice or show that you are likable and that this will lead to a new meeting.

What are these little lies?

1. You lie about not going on many dates with other men or do you say he is the first person you met through a dating app if that is how you met. Are you saying you don't do it often.

2. Tell him that you have a business meeting early in the morning or that you are busy all weekend. You don't want to spend more time with him, all you want to do is watch TV or sleep.

3. You say you're not hungry when you're at a restaurant, or order something you don't want to eat. Why pretend when you really want steak and dessert?

4. You pretend not to kiss on the first date. Maybe you're faking it for the sake of a man you really like, or maybe it's because you don't want to kiss him at all.

A first date can be full of little lies. Photo: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

5. You justify your lateness with traffic jams. In fact, you didn't feel like meeting at all and wondered if you should even go on a date with a man you met on the Internet.

6. You pretend you are doing more important and better work, like really, because you want to be cooler. If you are ashamed to say what you do, why do it? Change jobs.

7. You lie about why and how you recently broke up with your ex. Whether it's been a few weeks or months, you say it was a year ago. And this is because you want a potential partner to think that you are ready for a new relationship and keep the reasons for the breakup to yourself.

8. You lie about how long it took you to get ready for a date. He finds you attractive because he might think that you just rolled out of bed looking so gorgeous and that you didn't spend hours picking out clothes, shoes, hair and makeup.

9. You lie about social media verification. Of course, there are aspects of his life that you know well, but you pretend to be surprised when he tells you this because you've checked him out on all social media to see if he's a serial killer.

10. You lie about being a sports fan. You don't want him to know that you hate sports and you pretend to be interested while he talks enthusiastically about the Champions League match.

Be honest, don't hide a bunch of lies behind a bouquet of flowers or a smile. Photo: Evelina Zhu / Pexels

11. You lie about how close you and your family are. It's not attractive at all to talk about family problems you have with your younger sister, brother on a first date. So you embellish everything a little and say that everyone in the family is wonderful.

12. You also lie about how you're on great terms with everyone. You want her to think that everyone loves you and that you're always ready to hang out. But really, all you want is to snuggle up at home, turn off your phone, and watch reruns of Sex and the City.

13. You lie about your age. Men and women fall for this innocent lie.

Now that you know what the vast majority of people lie about on a first date, try to avoid at least the lies that will inevitably come out if your relationship continues.

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