
13 things you probably didn't know about Jean-Claude Van Damme

Action hero Jean-Claude Van Damme and his Belgian-French accent conjured their way to America in two ways: karate and funny interviews. He has five marriages, four divorces, cocaine addiction, a constant battle with bipolar disorder and numerous media scandals. From homelessness to the masterpieces he made for Coors Light and Volvo, we've prepared 13 things you probably didn't know about Jean-Claude Van Damme.

1. He was studying classical ballet – just like Patricky Swayze.

2. He won the court case because the evidence was against him lost in an earthquake.

3. He can lift 166 kilograms.

4. He also boxed with Chuck Norris. You decide for yourself who won.

5. He is known for doing and talking stupid things. Like for example: "A cookie has no soul, it's just a cookie. But before milk and egg are added to it. Eggs contain the potential for life."

6. He is known for his various or twine, the best spread ever is between two Volvo trucks.

READ MORE: What Jean-Claude Van Damme can do, Chuck Noris can do

7. He says he is Charlie Chaplin the first big action star.

8. In 1989 he was tried for extra's deliberately protruding eye in a sword fight, on the set of Cyborg.

9. In Belgium it is his statue.

10. He once was a homeless person in Los Angeles, he was eating and sleeping on the streets.

11. He did some amazing commercials for Coors Light.

12. Sometimes it is scattered or spage also worked for the paparazzi.

13. The Expendables 2 is one of the major films he has made in the last decade. That's why he changed from a young and lively soldier to the 55-year-old he is today. He has a career in Hollywood basically finished, although he did some more indie stuff. Apparently the dogs and Sylvester Stallone saved him.

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