
15 things a woman will only do if she really likes you

Photo: envato

How will you recognize that you have settled in her heart, that she feels something for you? How can you find that out? Maybe already in this record. Check.

Men and women are an eternal topic, both would like to know how a person of the opposite sex thinks and acts.

Researching the behavior of the opposite sex can bring you interesting insights.

Let's look at some of them.

1. He texts you multiple times in a row

Even though she knows it might make her seem clingy or desperate, she doesn't care because she wants to talk to you so badly.


2. It irritates you

If she likes you, she'll make a joke about, say, your new outfit that really doesn't fit you. If she doesn't like you, she'll be nice all the time.

3. He leaves flirtatious comments on your social media

If she tells you how cute you look on Instagram, it's like walking up to you while you're with a group of friends and kissing you. So, everyone can see that she is flirting.


4. You learn her deepest secrets

If he trusts you with such things, it means that he wants to keep you in his life for a long time.

5. He stays up all night texting you

If he falls asleep in the middle of a conversation, this is actually a good sign. It means she didn't want to say goodbye.


6. He knows everything that is going on in your life

He knows because you posted it on Facebook. Or Instagram. Or Twitter. Or Snapchat.

7. He prepares food for you

Regardless of whether it's your birthday and they're not the best of friends, giving you, say, a tray of cookies is an indication that she really likes you.


8. Shows jealousy

If you're talking about another girl and she starts asking a million questions, then she likes you. She wants to know that this other girl is not a threat.

9. She is always dressed appropriately when they meet

If you bump into her by accident she's wearing sweatpants, but whenever you make plans that involve her she's dressed in the latest fashions as she's trying to impress you.


10. He admits he has feelings for you

Women don't like to show their emotions, so trust her if she reveals her feelings to you.

11. He wants to accommodate you

She'll do anything to accommodate you, even if it's out of her way or she doesn't. She will do anything to make you smile.


12. He flirts

Sometimes flirting means nothing. But if it's extra stimulation, she's seriously in love with you. He's not playing.

13. He watches your favorite TV show

If you mention that you like The Walking Dead and she goes and watches every episode just so she can talk to you about it, then she has strong feelings for you.


14. He kisses you

If he leans into you or looks at your lips, then he wants a kiss. It's that simple.

15. Allow you to misbehave

Unfortunately, if she likes you, she will allow you to indulge far more than is appropriate.

Simply, if you like her, give her the love she needs and is looking for!

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