
15 things you learn when you can only rely on yourself

"Trust yourself!" – Aristotle

"Dare to trust yourself. Much of what we teach today was once the bold idea of an individual who dared to trust his heart and mind more than to accept the prevailing beliefs of his time." – Ching Ning Chu

At times you come to a point in life where you are left alone. Without the support of other people. Then you learn important life lessons.

1. Learn that sometimes people cannot understand your plight. You can try to explain something to them, but they will only really understand it when they find themselves in the same situation.

2. You realize that in the end you can only help yourself and that you are the one who starts actively solving problems.

3. It's easier for you when you don't talk about certain things because you begin to subconsciously expect it to happen. This makes you frustrated when what you thought would happen doesn't happen.

4. You get to know who really cares about you and who is just playing. True friends are shown in difficult times.

5. You realize that some of your friends don't know the real you, but only one part of you. In other words, they love you when you're happy, but not when you're sad.

6. Some people ignore your problems and don't listen to you. They are the only ones that matter. Run away from such people.

7. You start looking within yourself for answers instead of looking outside yourself for approval and solutions. You do things at your discretion.

8. Learn to be responsible for your life. If you fail at something, you are responsible for your own failure and don't blame other people for it. Simply learn how to fight and win your battles.

9. Learn to accept yourself. It's hard when you think you're alone. Learn not to take some things too personally and become even stronger when you are.

10. Learn to cope with loneliness. Embrace your thoughts, your confusion, and your fears. Eventually you will become fearless, content even when and if you are alone.

11. You realize that everyone has a role in your life, some of them are not important and have come your way only temporarily.

12. You become more careful. You are no longer so trusting, you no longer trust easily. You set boundaries, especially with those who do not have your highest good at heart.

13. You realize that sometimes it is better not to tell people everything about yourself, because you never know how and when they will use it against you.

14. You realize that you can always get up after a fall and that you don't need to rely on anyone.

15. You can only survive on your own because some people just want to drag you to the bottom.

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