
18 parenting mistakes you should never make with your child

Photo: Tatiana Twinslol / Pexels

It is the job of every parent to do what is in the best interest of the child. From making sure he isn't hungry, to making sure he feels safe and loved. However, parents sometimes do far too much for their children or for them than they should. Namely, there are tasks that you should avoid as a parent. The things you do for them are not good for their development and may even harm them in the long run.

Raising children is one thing the most difficult tasks. To do this job well, you as a parent need to to be mentally strong. That doesn't mean you have to be immune to his problems. You have to learn when to say no, and when to resist his unrealistic wishes.

The child will be like this taught independence, responsibilities, he will enter the world of adulthood, he learns from his own mistakes, gained confidence, took care of material things, learned order and cleanliness, had freedom and learned to think for himself. From early childhood, it is necessary to confront the child with his fears and life, because only in this way can he later grow into a mature, responsible person who will be able to step out of the comfort zone.


These actions harm your child's development, so stop them IMMEDIATELY:

1. You only cook food for your child that he wants to eat.

2. You give in to his crying and tantrums - crying and tantrums are normal and important for a child's healthy emotional development. Therefore, do not oppress the child, but listen to him why he is crying, because that is the only way you can help him. Children process their unsatisfied needs, tense emotions, frustration, fatigue, disappointment, boredom and sadness through crying and outbursts of stubbornness.


3. You write homework instead of them.

4. You replace broken toys with new ones - if he broke you on purpose.

5. You buy him things that other people have - phones, toys,...

6. Allow them to spend most of the day in front of computer screens.

7. What they lose or store themselves, you find it or replace it with new items.

8. You clean up their mess.

9. You buy them expensive clothes - a child has to get dirty too.

10. You participate and interfere in his conflicts with his peers.

11. You bring what they forgot at home (notebook, books) to school, several times.

12. You drive them to school regularly.

13. Allow them to treat you like an ATM.

14. You buy them things they don't need.

15. Allow them to sleep over with friends during the week - the week is a time for school and responsibilities.

16. Too many times you allow your child's boyfriend or girlfriend to sleep over with you or them.

17. Allow house parties that end in destruction of the apartment and belongings.

18. Allow them to stay out many times overnight.

These tips will help your child grow into a self-sufficient adult who respects the things and people around him. This is the goal of every parent.

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