
#185 - City Magazine - Football fever

Oh, Brazil, Copacabana, samba and bossa nova, exotic flavors, naked bodies and football. It already sounds too fairy-tale, almost kitschy, as if following the script of some telenovela, and if the land of endless sandy beaches really becomes the host of the World Cup in football, then it is worth making an effort to score a goal in the opponent's net, just to be there.

Otherwise, our "football players" did not quite manage to qualify for the biggest sports world cup, but they had the opportunity to eat at least some of the sweetness of this South American football cake.

#185 – City Magazine by City Magazine

In Montevideo, Uruguay, they faced the South American champions in a friendly match, and in Buenos Aires, they had a match against star-studded Argentina. And how did football manage to expand its circle of "gourmets" so quickly, gradually conquering every part of society, including the most rebellious part of the intellectuals and elites, who politely despised twenty-two men in shorts running on the grass to intercepted a round "thing"? Basically, if we look back a little, the game is simple, aimed at the masses, and the underprivileged classes were able to taste the joys of the sport very quickly, without excessive, drastic rules. The football language thus became universal with supersonic speed, and the round passion for the game simply the most popular sport par excellence, or, as one of the French philosophers would say, it became the new opium for the people, which simply had to happen. But where there is a crowd, there is also money, financial speculation, betting, media, dealing with players... and, ironically, behind all the glitter of round sports, there are once again the elites who are winning in an unconventional way. Anyway, football is more than a sport, it is a business, it is a fashion, it is a cult, it is a science, it is a language, an aesthetic, a trend, a destiny and a question of identity. And if we are talking about the latter, determining an individual's affiliation, I dare to say that today's understanding of the world of football and its social dimension is dictated by the question of identification with the main actors, such as Messi or Ronaldo, or who is more beautiful, who is better... I will not dwell too much on such controversies, but I know that from now on Tuesday evenings will no longer be reserved for the serial Song of Thornbirds, as is the case for many other followers of the fairer sex. Suddenly, this will be the only time, at least in the average Slovenian household, when no one will fight over the TV remote control and when comments like "ohhh, goool, noee" will "fall out" every now and then, and questions like " what the hell does offside even mean", and claims, "this football has really stupid rules, nothing challenging, manly, a rolling ball is like a car on the road, if you see green, it's action, yellow is a warning, red means stop, the penalty is the safety distance, "your car" ran off the road, it's a dead end, and the parking is empty"... simple, only the drivers are more like "babes" behind the wheel, maneuvering around the half-empty parking lot of the shopping center in order to get their horse as far as possible more ideally closer to simulated boxing from the white lines, but after all, not everyone can really drive around corners like Messi. So get ready now, for a month everyone can live their passion for football as they want._

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