
2 main reasons why men get married

Wedding photo in the mountains. Wedding ceremony in the woods

You are speechless. Does the question arise in your mind, what the heck are these two reasons? Yes, right? After all, for many women, marriage is something they have wanted since childhood.

Of course, there are other reasons why men marry, but they all stem from these two rules, says psychologist Viktoria Kirst. In these modern times, men do not rush into marriage. Instead, they prefer to delay the marriage for several years, saying that it is just a formality and that no paper is needed.

But there are still those who are ready to get married and start a family with all the consequences that come from that decision. So what are the reasons why they decide to take such a responsible and serious step? Let's look at these two reasons given by psychologist Viktoria Kirst, why men get married?

1. It's convenient for him

Imagine the situation: a man meets a woman who tries to please him, is also beautiful and most importantly, she is more interested in him than he is in her.

I don't want to be alone, without her attention and the comfort she gives me. Photo: Eugenivy / Unsplash

A man feels great about it. A woman wants to earn his love in every possible way. She cooks him amazing meals, keeps him in bed, takes care of him, generally doesn't do anything to bother him. But at the same time, she tries with all her might to convince him that she is ideal for the role of a good and exemplary wife.

So the man eventually begins to think: "Why not? It's really convenient!” That is to say, if the goal of this man was to find a "comfortable" woman, in which the role of lover, cook, sometimes "mother" would be ideally combined, then marrying such a woman is the right thing for him. After all, he wants to have this comfort regularly, so to speak - 24 hours a day.

This woman did not live with him before marriage. She visited him and maybe stayed for a few days. So much so that she saw how it was necessary to put things in order in his apartment, and at the same time she let him know that she would not live with him except if they were married. And then the man realizes that there will be no more "free gifts"! And if he wants to constantly bathe in the love and affection of this woman, he must get married for the sake of this comfort.

2. Fall in love

If a man has truly fallen in love with a woman, he himself is ready to marry. It often happens that a man flatters this woman, tries to make her happy, and if she returns everything to him in equal measure, he thinks: "I want to get married!"
And he is completely happy and, most importantly, sure of the correctness of his own decision to marry this woman. After all, he realized that this was his destiny.

I love her! / Photo: Envato

Notice the difference between the first and second reasons why a man might want to get married? Feel the difference because it really matters. Of course, there may be other reasons for marriage, but these two reasons are still the main ones, and all others stem from these two in one way or another. Always get married for another reason.

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