
20 great life wisdom that will open your eyes

Photo: envato

Eye-opening tips. You may look at life events differently. They might point you in the right direction. Who knows.

Anyone who has taken up psychology at least a little more seriously in his life has already heard of one of the most famous and respected psychologists in the world - Mihail Litvak.

We will share his with you 20 tips that will help you solve many life situations.

1. If a person has nothing good to say about himself, he starts saying bad things about others.

2. Bite the science, not the neighbor, if you really want to bite something.

3. Depressive state is given to people to think about themselves.

4. No one rejects anyone, only some move on. Those who fall behind think they are being discarded.

5. If you think well of yourself, then why is it necessary for others to think well of you?

Do what you want. Photo: Josh Sorenson/Unsplash

6. Do what you want, don't ask for permission. You won't get it!

7. The ability to love yourself and to tolerate solitude well are indicators of spiritual maturity. We do everything better when we are alone.

8. An immature personality often has knowledge but does not know how to use it. A mature personality not only has knowledge, but also knows how to use it. Therefore, immature personalities criticize others while mature ones act.

9. I don't know which path leads to success, but I do know that the path to failure is the desire to be liked by everyone.

10. There is no male or female logic, only the ability or inability to think wisely.

11. Want to meet your worst enemy? Look in the mirror. When you face him, everyone else will disappear.

12. Be successful and all resentment will go away.

13. It is pleasant to talk with friends, but it is also useful to talk with enemies.

14. There is only one good reason to end a partnership or other relationship - the inability to grow personally under the given conditions.

15. Share your joy with friends and foes alike. Friends will be happy and enemies will be upset.

16. Don't look for happiness and you will find the place where happiness resides. Luck will find you. I can finally tell you where your happiness lies - within you. But the way to it is the maximum development of your abilities.

Be what you are. Photo: Raphael Schaller/Unsplash

17. Happiness is a by-product of well-organized operations.

18. If you want to prove something to someone, it means that you live for that person. If you live for yourself, then you have no need to prove yourself to anyone.

19. Imagination is the voice of our abilities. I don't dream of singing in an opera, I have neither voice nor hearing. And if I dreamed it, my imagination would feed my abilities accordingly. So I would try to get to the opera. You just have to think about how to make this dream come true. The main thing is not to rush, then the dream will come true relatively quickly. It's good if a person can say about himself: "I'm just trying to make my dreams come true."

20. It is better to communicate with a good book than with an empty person.

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