
How to Make Your Dreams Come True: 9 Best Manifestation Techniques to Achieve Your Goals

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You've probably heard of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Manifestation. Are they one and the same thing?

Law of Attraction it says that if we have positive thoughts, we will receive good things, and if we have negative thoughts, we may have results that we did not hope for.

The Law of Manifestation on the other hand, it describes how important our thoughts can be and how they affect our lives.

To learn more about the best manifesting techniques, why people use them, and how they can help you change your life, read on.

3 step process in manifesting

If you really want to live a happier and easier life, start with the following three steps:
1. Defining your goals.
2. Identifying and fighting against all the things that could prevent you from achieving your purpose.
3. Take action and actually make what you want come true.

Believe in yourself. Photo: David Marcu / Unsplash

Why is your manifestation not working?

You might just be missing a small detail like the right method, so if you want to change that, here are the best manifestation techniques that can help you:

1. Create a vision board

This is one of the simplest and best manifestation techniques. You can be sure that it will help you focus on your goals. So, take a piece of paper and write down all the things you want to change in your life. Start with the smaller ones and then move on to the bigger ones.

Use this type of visualization to see all the things you want to achieve in one place. Use different images to create your ideal vision board.

2. The two-cup method

This method can help you ward off negative energy. Take 2 cups and fill them with water. One cup represents your current situation (e.g. you just lost your job) and the other cup represents all the goals you want to achieve (e.g. a new job). Put stickers on each cup and label the situations on them. Pour the water from the first cup into the second cup and drink it.

Now you need to focus on all the things you want to achieve and work towards your goals without thinking about the current situation. You will find that you will begin to attract all the good things that you have been wanting.

3. The visualization manifestation technique

Many people do this without even realizing it. Just try to visualize all the things you want to achieve and keep them in your mind. This will help you stay motivated. For example, one day you want to start a business. Try to visualize what it would look like, what products you would produce and what you need to do to make this dream come true.

4. Look into your ambitions

The law of attraction shows that positive thoughts bring positive results. Make sure you know what results you want to achieve.

Trust the universe. Photo: Guillaume De Germain/Unsplash

Write a list of all the things you want to achieve and see if it is what you really want. If you are not sure if you are on the right path, you can always talk to someone, read a book. Look back at your goals, especially when the going gets tough, and it will help you remember why you started doing these things in the first place.

5. The WOOP method

This is a very specific method because it is not related to the law of attraction. It is actually a scientific method created by Gabriele Oettingen, a professor of psychology at New York University.

He disagrees with the idea of only positive thinking and instead advises to think about what might be holding you back from achieving your goals.

It will only take 5 minutes of your time to visualize the next few steps:
W – Wish: Be specific about your intentions or wishes when thinking about it.
O – Outcome (Result): What would you like to achieve? Imagine what you will be like when you have successfully completed your task.
O – Obstacles: Visualize the obstacles in your path and how they would make you feel.
P – Plan: Develop a strategy to help you overcome these obstacles.

6. Multi-perspective visualization

For this method to work, try to visualize from the other person's point of view. Seeing yourself from a different perspective can help you see things more clearly.

Also, remember to use the present tense while manifesting something. You can also make your own dream board, which will help you live a full life.

7. The 17-second rule

This rule was created by Abraham Hicks. It states that you need to think about your specific goal for 17 seconds to create movement towards it. It can work both positively and negatively, serving as a reminder of your thoughts throughout the day.

8. Fake it till you make it

Don't think about it in a materialistic way. You must live like you have already realized your intentions in a way that matches your goals. For example, if you want to have a successful career, you need to improve yourself and take things more seriously to stand out.

Find the right method. Photo: Jackson David / Unsplash

The point of the method is not to act as if you are already rich so you can go around buying expensive items. Use it to lift yourself up and be as productive as successful people are.

9. Method of meditation

Meditation is a great way to calm down, relax and go deeper into yourself. Depending on your manifestation, it can really help you and have a big impact on your life.

There are many guided meditations you can find online these days, so choose the one that best suits your purposes and follow the process.

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