
20+ Incredibly Useful WD-40 Tricks: A Miracle in a Can for Every Problem

WD-40 is a miracle!

Photo: WD-40

WD-40 is not just a lubricant; it's Chuck Norris among cans! From taking revenge on dirt to protecting your most precious possessions, this miracle in a can offers solutions that would make even a Swiss army knife ask for an autograph. But before you start using the spray as a magic wand, familiarize yourself with the safety recommendations. Because we don't want your WD-40 use to end in a disaster bigger than Frankenstein's lab experiments.

When he was WD-40 originally designed as protection of the outer coating of the Atlas rocket against rust and corrosion, probably no one thought that it would become such an indispensable hero of every household. Its transformation from a laboratory phenomenon to a permanent fixture on store shelves is a real success story.

Why is WD-40 so magical?

The formula is more closely guarded than the location of the Holy Grail, but its blend of organic solvents, propellants and mineral oil is known to work wonders for lubrication, water repellency, rust prevention and cleaning. Its molecular structure creates a protective barrier that dissolves dirt like a warm knife butter.

Photo: WD-40

Quick fix for streaky or squeaky windshield wiper blades with WD-40 (shout out to @Silver Cymbal for his awesome Youtube video on this) #cleantok #howto #wd40 #cleanthatup @wd40brand

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WD-40 it works wonders at home - from silencing squeaky doors to protecting your garden tools from rust. Its usefulness does not end in the garage; motorists love it for cleaning and polishing, while motorists praise it for quickly removing bird presents from windshields.


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Some of the most innovative ways to use WD-40:

  1. Waterproof footwear: One squirt of WD-40 on your shoes and water drops will have you saying, "Not today, honey!"
  2. Crayon Removal Wizard: Little artists on the walls? Don't worry, WD-40 solves any art crime.
  3. Chewing gum? Where?: Gum stuck anywhere? Spray, wait, remove. End of drama.
  4. Winter Guard: Apply to metal pipe parts and say goodbye to frost.
  5. Mirror anti-fog: Spray on the mirror and forget about the steam after the shower.
  6. Spider's Nightmare: WD-40 on corners and window frames and your home will be free of spiders.
  7. Jewelry Detective: Knotted chains? A drop of WD-40 and you're done.
  8. Insect cleaner: After a hard day on the road, give your car a quick refresh with WD-40.
  9. Stop squeaking! You can solve a squeaky door in seconds.
  10. Magic sticker remover: Old stickers, new life without sticky residue.
  11. Remove oil stains: Like some street wizard, WD-40 easily removes stubborn oil stains from driveways or garage floors. Apply, leave to work, then rinse — and voilà, your surface is like new.
  12. Loosens a stuck zipper: A stuck zipper is no longer a reason to panic. WD-40 syringe and zipper works like new. In the blink of an eye!
  13. Prevent snow from accumulating on the windows: Protect your windows from the joys of winter. WD-40 is your shield against snow and ice.
  14. Removes scratches on hard surfaces: Apply WD-40 to a cloth and rub over scratches on ceramic, linoleum, marble or wood. Scratches will be less visible, and the surface will shine again.
  15. Loosens stuck LEGO bricks: So that your kids or you don't have to fight with stuck blocks, a little WD-40 and the problem is solved. LEGO bricks will be easier to separate without damaging little hands or the plastic.
  16. Cleaning stainless steel: To make your stainless steel kitchenware shine again, apply WD-40 to a cloth and gently wipe the surface. Goodbye fingerprints and smudges!
  17. Cleaning the dashboard: With some WD-40, your car's dashboard will be like new again. Spray, wipe and enjoy the cleanliness.
  18. Remove super glue / super glue from hands: If the super glue sticks to your hands, spray some WD-40, rub, and wash with soap and water. As if nothing ever happened!
  19. Cleaning silverware: To make your silver shine like new again, gently wipe it with WD-40. The shine will bring back the old shine to your valuables.
  20. Remove limescale from bathroom tiles: Apply WD-40 to problem areas, leave on for a few minutes, then wipe off. The bathroom will shine like new again.
  21. Calm the creaking floorboards: Creaky floorboards can quickly become annoying. A drop of WD-40 on the squeaky spot and your home will be as quiet as a mouse again.

With all these tricks, WD-40 is truly a miracle tool that turns everyday problems into simple solutions. A supply of this miracle spray is therefore a must-have in every home!


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♬ sonido original – RANDOM CLIPS

How did WD-40 come about?!

WD-40 is a very popular multi-purpose lubricant that was invented in 1953. The name “WD-40” comes from the term “Water Displacement, 40th formula”, which means “40. water repellency formula”. The product was developed after 39 failed attempts, so the number 40 indicates a successful formula that was developed on the 40th attempt.

The company behind WD-40 is Rocket Chemical Company, which later changed its name to WD-40 Company, Inc. Its original purpose was to prevent corrosion and remove moisture from electronic parts and rocket equipment, so it was initially used primarily in the aerospace industry. Because of its effectiveness and versatility, WD-40 has quickly found its way into many households and industrial environments around the world, where it is used for a wide range of applications, from de-squeaking and rust protection to cleaning and stain removal.

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