
20 Inventions That Seem Completely Useless, But Secretly Wish We Could Have

Human imagination knows no bounds, and these inventions are truly hilarious! And yet...

Unnecessary Inventions is an Instagram profile where you will see the designer's products Matt Benedetto. He says to himself that his job is to solve problems that don't exist. But we are not so sure that these problems are not real. After all, we can easily imagine that at least two gadgets from this list would come in handy. Do you agree?

Because there is never too much food...

Because there is never too much food...
Because there is never too much food...

Oh, now it's really easier to apply deodorant...


Walking on LEGO bricks will no longer be a problem...


When you're too tired to hold a book by yourself...

Book holder
Book holder

“Zuckermat, Facebook for your bathroom!”


Complete stress relief... and especially faster...

Stress relief
Stress relief

For Crocs fans: Crocs gloves

Crocs gloves
Crocs gloves

Kill two birds with one stone!

Toilet protector
Toilet protector

If your Instagram "feed" is also endless, this gadget can come in handy...

Likes on Instagram
Likes on Instagram

Now you can cry without getting your clothes wet...

An accessory for crybabies
An accessory for crybabies

Why trim one nail at a time when you can trim four?

Cut several nails at once
Cut several nails at once.

For bread lovers...

Baguette backpack
Baguette backpack

This invention is perfect for anyone who cries constantly... (hint: be sure to share with your friend who cries a lot)

A tool for wiping tears
A tool for wiping tears

Even your socks deserve a closet...

Closet for socks
Closet for socks

For rainy or sunny days...

Phone umbrella
Phone umbrella

If you really want to feel the grass under your feet, this invention is just for you!

Fresh grass underfoot
Fresh grass underfoot

Ideal for anyone who is embarrassed to eat...

So that they won't look at you when you eat...
So that they won't look at you when you eat...

If you don't like the smell of certain foods, this invention is just for you!

Nasal decongestant
Nasal decongestant

To know what is happening behind your back...

What's going on behind your back?
What's going on behind your back?

This is the perfect invention for anyone who doesn't understand tools... There are 5 options, choose the right one!

Um, which tool is right?
Um, which tool is right?

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.