
20 Signs That There Is No Future Between You

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In an ideal world, we want to be with the one we like. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If you're worried that your partner doesn't see a future in your relationship, he'll show you that too. Your partner won't introduce you to family or friends, he won't call you girlfriend, and you won't be his priority. Below are some signs that indicate that a long-term relationship with him will not work out.

1. He never makes concrete plans

He is not interested in your goals and life in the future. He lives for the present, he is not interested in the future. Also, you're the only one who always plans dates. Sometimes this behavior can be unconscious, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with it.

2. He won't introduce you to his family

If you've had a partner for a while, getting to know his parents is of course the next step. But if he doesn't see you in his future, he won't introduce you to his family.

3. You don't have the title girl, girlfriend

If a guy really likes you and sees a future with you, he will take every opportunity to introduce you as his girlfriend and proudly call you by some endearing name.

4. He only wants to date for sex

Sex is a very important part of a relationship, but it's not everything. Sometimes closeness, conversation and being by each other's side also mean a lot. If hanging out with you doesn't mean anything to him and he only sees you for sex, then he probably doesn't really care about you.

5. He won't meet your friends

A guy who doesn't see a future with you will try to avoid meeting the important people in your life. Guys who don't love you aren't complete monsters. They know on some level that what they are doing is wrong. Therefore, they prefer to avoid meeting the people you love. They just can't handle the guilt any more than they can handle the love you have to offer.

6. He doesn't communicate

If he doesn't answer your messages and calls, it means he doesn't have time for you and doesn't care. He will read your message, but he doesn't care if he writes back in 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days.

Photo: Ivan Samko/Pexels

7. You are not his priority

You've had to reschedule dates many times because he always doesn't have time or has other things to do. This is a sign that you are simply not on his priority list.

8. He doesn't ask questions

He never asks how was your day, what are you interested in and what have you been doing? Always talking about yourself? If your dating is more like an interview and a talk show, then you're on the wrong track. A guy who sees a future with you will ask you about everything and will be interested in everything.

9. He calls at odd hours

If he always calls or texts you late at night, then this is a sign that he has no intention of being with you long term.

10. He forgets the details in your life

It feels like you've told him thirty times about your gluten allergy. Every time you tell him your wishes, he looks surprised. His forgetting may not be intentional, but he probably doesn't care enough about you to remember.

11. He is in the company of girls

We're not talking about his friends. We're talking about hanging out with other women. If you see him flirting with a girl in a bar, trust your female instincts. When something like this happens to you, it's time to just break it off.

12. He flirts with your female friends

A man who flirts with your girlfriends at a party is not a man you can trust. Girlfriends are always forbidden fruit. A guy who sees you in the future will not flirt with them.

13. He wants to be free

If a guy talks about wanting to be free, it's an alarm that he wants to get rid of you and doesn't want to create a future with you. He likes a free life without obligations.

14. He talks about his ex-girlfriend

If a guy talks or even has contact with his ex-girlfriend, it's a sign that he's still not over her. Sometimes guys do stay friends with their exes, but there's a difference between friendship and romance.

15. He doesn't want to be cuddled in the morning

If you spend the night with him and in the morning he refuses to touch you and cuddle with you, this is a sign that he can't wait for you to leave and would rather be alone.

16. He doesn't touch you in public

Not everyone is for it, but if it's serious, he'll show you his affection in public. A man who is serious about your relationship wants to show you to the world, not hide you.

17. He hides his phone

If he hides his phone and carefully carries it in his pocket and always takes it with him (even when he goes to the shower), then he's hiding something here. It is usually a condition called psychological or even physical cheating.

18. Don't talk about your feelings

In a relationship, you must also talk about your feelings, emotions and sometimes confess to each other. If he's the one who doesn't do it and even hates it, then you don't mean much to him. We always make time for a loved one and listen to them.

19. He never compliments you

You don't need to blow on your soul night and day, but it won't be buried if he ever praises you. A beautiful word, it finds a beautiful place.

20. He ignores you

If you notice a change in behavior, do not back down, as this will further damage the relationship. Ask him directly what his opinion is about your relationship and why he is ignoring you.

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