
20 things you need to clear up about yourself before you get married

Photo: envato

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds say the eternal word, but it often happens that before the wedding, people do not think about the things that they are willing or unwilling to do in such a relationship. To avoid a lot of broken hearts after saying a big YES, it's important to clear some things up with yourself beforehand.

1. I don't see marriage as a burden, but as a new step in the relationship. Simply put, you can't view marriage as a bad thing if you want it to be healthy and lasting.

2. I will not solve problems with passive aggression. This creates anger and resentment between the two people. It is better to face problems head on than to let them get bigger.

3. I will not insult or intentionally hurt someone I care about.

4. I will not stay with someone who insults, humiliates, ignores, or otherwise mistreats me in any way. A marriage is only good if it is healthy and happy, a bad one cannot last a lifetime.


5. I will inform my partner about important life decisions. It's important that you and your partner are always on the same page, at least when it comes to big things. It's a good idea to keep him informed about everyday things like finances, career changes and the like. If you don't, you can easily lose confidence.

6. I will not make decisions that could affect my partner's life. Marriage is a partnership and we should act as such.

7. All household chores should not be the task of one person. Although it is often not the case, in a marriage the responsibilities should be evenly distributed so that you feel like you are part of a partnership rather than a life where you do almost everything alone.

8. I will not force my partner to make decisions that he does not want to make. The point of partnership is not blackmail to get the things you want. If at some point you are not on the same wavelength, try to solve the problem by talking and find the best solution.

9. My partner will be my priority. When you get married, your partner becomes your immediate family. This means that they favor each other.

10. Dating doesn't have to end after marriage. A healthy relationship includes outlets to keep the passion alive. So don't stop dating when you say the fateful yes.

11. Receiving the partner's relatives. Once you get married, you can't ask your partner to move away from their family because they don't suit you. Before marriage, it is important to establish good or correct relationships in order to function in the best possible way.

12. I wouldn't marry anyone else. In life, it is not good to settle for another, worse option. So this is a statement that you must fully agree with before you get married.

13. I have no secrets that could affect the future of our relationship. Before marriage, it is important to face your past. This can affect your relationship and be a burden on you.

14. I want a wedding. Weddings are great, but you have to want everything that comes after that day full of dancing and love.

15. You don't want to lose contact after the wedding. Although you may think that this will never happen to you, many couples forget about their friends after marriage. Don't be one of these couples, make a promise to yourself that you will not leave the important people in your life regardless of marriage, children and all other obligations that will befall you.

16. Don't give up when things get tough. Marriage is hard at times, and you have to realize that you have to be there for your partner even when things aren't ideal.

17. Don't get married just out of fear of loneliness. You should marry out of love, not fear of loneliness. The only consequence of such a marriage will be your dissatisfaction.


18. Everything will not always revolve around you. Here we come back to the fact that marriage is a partnership in which there are always two.

19. You will not lose yourself in this relationship. Marriage is a partnership, but at the same time it is important not to lose your individuality.

20. The question of eternity. The idea of marriage is to last forever. There is no point in going into it if you have in your mind that it will end someday.


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