
20 traits people with high-functioning anxiety have

High-functioning anxiety is not officially a mental disorder, but quite a few people struggle with the set of symptoms it brings. In the article, you can read what are the characteristics of people with high functional anxiety. Do you find yourself among them? Then it might be a good idea to learn strategies to deal with this burden.

What is high functioning anxiety? Simply put, it's a feeling anxiety, which the individual knows control well enough, to do well in life. While generalized anxiety disorder inhibits many people from daily functioning, high-functioning anxiety causes some to even more productive. You can read below 20 traits people with high-functioning anxiety have.

They are perfectionists.

They don't know how to say "no".

They consider every step they take.

They worry about other people's opinions.

They are burdened with always being punctual.

They read the instructions many times more than necessary.

They apologize a lot.

They have a hard time maintaining eye contact.

They have a hard time deciding.

They do not like to be without a job.

They often feel under scrutiny.

These people are very sensitive to the opinions of others
These people are very sensitive to the opinions of others.

They bite their nails or play with their hair.

They have trouble sleeping.

When they are stressed, they need to distract themselves.

They put off important tasks because they are too worried.

They often turn down invitations to dinner parties or parties.

They catastrophize.

Anxiety is a big burden, even if it doesn't show on the outside
Anxiety is a big burden, even if it doesn't show on the outside.

They relive conflicting or unpleasant situations over and over again.

They compare themselves to others.

They are very worried about the future.

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