
20 typical excuses that prevent you from succeeding!

Are you honest with yourself? How often do you sabotage yourself? Set tasks for yourself every day and work towards the set goal. It seems to you that you do everything right in life, that you try to be better than others, that you "invest" more than others. But still you stand still. There is no success. See if you're using any of these 20 typical excuses that prevent you from succeeding.

Most of the time we stand up for ourselves blame yourself for the failure. But it is important to realize what are we doing wrong. To recognize our excuses and to himself pour pure wine. To have an internal catharsis and make a decision to work differently. We have selected an extensive list of excuses that prevent each individual from personal advancement and success, but we all use them. You may only find one or two in the record that you recognize. Maybe more. It is important to be aware of them! These are the most common excuses, which us prevent success.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is "bullshit" the story you always you are telling again and is the reason why you don't reach your goal!
Jordan Belfort

1. I don't have enough knowledge!


Knowledge is years 2020 universal good. Information is available by clicking on Google.com. But with YouTube, you can learn practically anything with video courses. Saying you don't have enough knowledge is a bad answer.

2. I don't have the right contacts!


Today you can because widespread use of the web and information establish contact with practically every person. Become an online personality. Edit your social profiles as is LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And address anyone who can benefit you on your business journey. Networking is the key! But contacts won't happen overnight, but they will definitely happen if you really want it.

3. I have no money

It is definitely the most common excuse that keeps many people from moving. Just because you don't have money doesn't mean you can't start moving towards your goal. Only if you start the journey that you want so much, solutions will come along the way. Don't let that excuse stop you. Find an extra job, become a "freelancer" in the afternoons, or put something aside from your salary every month for your dream project. Take part in various accelerator workshops or simply make a good business plan and go to the bank for a loan. If you believe in success, it will come. Money has never been the focus of good success stories. It's usually just a consequence.

4. You don't know if you can take the risk right now.

It will never be the right moment. That moment is now! If not now, when? That excuse is fear of the unknown. You really can't afford not to take risks right now.

5. It's too hard!

All that is worth it is hard. When was the last time something was simple and you benefited greatly from it? Like relationships, success is not self-evident and requires big investments and sacrifices.

6. I live in Slovenia.

Slovenia is truly a micro-country and we can agree with many that there is a barrier of market size and language. The latter are really small. But we believe that your ideas are not small and that the world can understand them. That's why invest time and money in your foreign language skills. The world is only small if you close yourself in it.

7. Someone is already doing it.


If someone is already doing it, it means that someone has tested the idea. What was before?! Hoover or Dyson? Ford or Mercedes? Apple or Microsoft? Competition is good. You can learn from her. Competition also often opens up the market, and it often happens that the latter is the first in the long run. The fact that someone is already doing it is not an excuse, but a reason that you should do it too. At the same time, this means that the business idea is verified. That's why being different is sometimes a great advantage.

8. I don't know where to start?!

The human brain is not designed to linear information processing. When you dream, you don't remember the beginning of the dream, but you remember how the dream ended. All you need is the courage to take the first step. To start building a new story. Dare yourself. Just get started!

9. You are afraid of what others will think.

Mutual confirmation is rarely the deciding factor in either business stories, which is worth hearing. If you're worried about what your industry peers will think, don't be. He usually smokes behind a good horse. But sometimes you just have to not care.

10. Nobody will buy.

"Every product finds its buyer" is a saying every salesperson knows. Trust yourself, you will find the right buyer!

11. Nobody will care.


No one will care if you do things for the wrong reasons. Are you excited by the product or by the money? If you do things for money, people will feel it. If you're going to do it for the sake of it you really believe, they will care.

12. I wouldn't risk it!

You seek safety, you don't want to take the risk of defeat. Then you use one of the most common excuses. No one who has not taken risks at some point in their business career has profited. Elon Musk was on the verge of bankruptcy many times, but only when he decided to invest all his money in companies financial reserves, it got real attention from the investors who backed it. Without risk, his success would not have happened. Those who take risks, profit!

13. Others are always happier!

It's pure luck a complete myth! But it is a fact that it is necessary in business. But your inner attitude is even more necessary for you to succeed. This is also why happiness is pure myth and superstition.

14. I was brought up differently!

There are many of us who were not raised in an entrepreneurial spirit. V to the primary family there were no entrepreneurs, but we still have that entrepreneurial streak in us. This is completely independent of your primary family. Get rid of those prejudices. You are your own person with your own path. Let the examples of successful people guide you!

15. It's hard for me to do this because I'm a woman!

If ever, then years 2020 gender is no longer a barrier! Moreover, it can even be an advantage. Women are extremely valued as entrepreneurs. In many cases, compared to men, they have more real managerial skills. Gender, both, is a stupid excuse!

16. It's hard for me to do this because I have children!

Having a baby is a kind of challenge. Dedicated time is one of the main assets you can devote to your child. However, with your personal business decision, children can also gain an example from their parents and thus experience entrepreneurial creation and creativity in the primary family. It's true! It all requires more logistics and good time management. But we believe you can do it!

17. My partner won't let me!

If your professional orientation is part of your personality, if your ambitions are part of your self, then the right partner cannot have any influence on that. If he does not support you in this, then he is not the right partner. And it's time to seriously consider the relationship.

18. Parents will not approve!


Ok, regardless of age, humans have complications family relationships. Sometimes parents are not as rational or open to new ideas as they would like. They are old school and don't understand certain things. But this is no reason to sacrifice your success and happiness. If your parents ask you to show your respect by giving up on your dreams, then your relationship with your parents is not healthy. We all have only one life and it's exclusively yours! How old are you?!

19. The market situation is not suitable.

The market situation is not an obstacle for good business ideas. Just look at Apple, which created niche markets and invented products that the world didn't need before. However, always ask yourself who you are creating a product for!

20. I'll get to that later!

Postponing to later period and convincing yourself that there is still time is not the best strategy. This kind of postponement always fails!

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