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20 Ways A Girl Microcheats On You

But what does she do when you're not around her?

According to a dating expert Melanie Schilling it is micro-cheating a series of seemingly small actions that suggest it is a person emotionally or physically focused on someone outside of their relationship.

So if you're texting someone without your partner's knowledge, saving someone's number under a fake name, or lying to others about your current love life, you're almost certainly micro-cheating.

Schilling adds: "These are all signs that you are 'secretly flirting' and hiding it from your partner. If you feel like you have to hide something, ask yourself why. Mysteriousness is an obvious sign. Micro-cheating is a subtle betrayal, and it needs secrecy to exist."

Where is the border? Do you believe the actions below are micro-cheating? The writers of the Thoughtcatalog portal are convinced that the girl is micro-cheating and playing with fire.

1. Holding the stranger's gaze longer than usual, hoping to confuse him with thoughts of her naked body.

2. She wears her most flirty skirt or dress to impress the man she knows she'll meet at work at some point.

3. She smiles coquettishly at the man as she catches his eye, checking her out from head to toe.

4. She nods or smiles at the man when she catches her eye wandering over him, though she has no intention of approaching him or pursuing anything.

5. She claims that it's perfectly fine for her partner to go out alone with friends while talking to another man just to make himself seem cooler than he really is. (In fact, he has a partner on a very tight leash at home.)


6. She gives her contact information to a random guy she meets, even though she never intends to text him, just to see if he'll contact her.

7. Bending at just the right moment, fully aware that there is a man there hoping to see her ass.

8. He leans forward at just the right moment, fully aware that there is someone there who wants to grope her breasts and that the sight of her curves will turn him on.

9. She tells a male colleague about a particularly hot dream she had the night before, only to remind him that she's a naughty nymph inside.

10. She styles her hair longer than usual, then leans over and puts it in a ponytail, knowing she has an audience. While maneuvering, she feels that someone is undressing her with their eyes - and she likes it.


11. Contacting your ex just to say hi and pump up the ego that comes with feeling like more than one man wants her at the same time.

12. A not-so-innocent comment about "eggs" that is clearly designed to provoke a man who is not her partner.

13. She compliments a man she knows or sees regularly, say his new haircut or new shirt, just to show she's paying attention.

14. Stretching after a workout right in the line of sight of the man she likes.

15. She laughs at something a guy says that isn't really funny at all, she's just flirting.


16. Establishes involuntary physical contact with another man, gentle push, touch.

17. Offering to massage another man's shoulders or back when he complains of pain.

18. Unexpectedly addressing a man by his name, which gives rise to an unusually strong sense of intimacy.

19. Addressing a person by their full name instead of their nickname, which is secretly one of the most subtle yet powerful ways to flirt.

20. A seductive lip lick because she knows she's being watched by a random man.


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