
20 wonderful signs that you have found your soulmate in a friend

Have you been lucky enough to find your friendly soulmate? A friend with whom you can trust and support each other through difficult times?

Romantic soul mates are not the only type of soul mates. Your partner is your companion throughout life, but who will be there for you if he breaks your heart?

Life partners come and go and your family members may disappoint you, but your best friend will stick by your side and make sure you never feel alone for a moment.

If you are lucky enough to have encountered such a person, you will recognize it in the statements below.

1. Spend more time with them than with family members

There are just friends and then there are friends who are like family. And for as long as you can remember, you've had this feeling around your friend. You and your friend can be together all day, but still miss them when they're gone.

2. Inside jokes that make you laugh

You just look at your friend and the planets laugh because you know they are thinking exactly the same thing.

3. You only communicate with your eyes

When it comes to friendship with a soulmate, words are unnecessary. You look at each other and immediately know what's going on.

4. They saw each other at their worst

You have shared many difficult situations and you never even thought of not being there for them. When they cry, you cry. When they have a broken heart, your heart aches too. They are always there.

5. They cheer you up when you're sad

When you feel bad or are too hard on yourself, they don't let you be that way. They know what to do and what to say to put you in a good mood.

6. You love their company

Watching Netflix, singing songs, taking pictures, whatever you prefer to do with them instead of going out with other friends. After all, if they are together, they can have fun, anywhere and do anything.

7. You've accidentally matched outfits many times

You showed up for lunch or a visit in the same cute outfit and you weren't even surprised. You read like an open book and basically you think almost exactly the same.

8. Their parents treat you like their child (and vice versa)

Everyone close to you treats you like you are part of their family. And you really feel like you're at home when you're with them.

9. You talk about things you wouldn't tell anyone

You talk about the dirtiest details of your long relationship and you never felt an ounce of shame. You talk to them about gross things that would scare others, but the thing is, everything is so normal with them.

10. There's no problem I can't solve

If one of you has a problem, the other is there to join forces and help you solve the problem.

11. They keep your secrets

You just know that your best friend will never betray them and vice versa. He is your number one confidant for life.

12. You wish them the best in life

You don't wish for anyone to succeed in life more than they do. Encourage them to pursue their dreams no matter what. Then when they finally achieve their life goals, you are proud of them.

13. You've never felt the need to lie about anything

You can't imagine telling them either - a white lie. You love them too much and you know they feel the same way.

14. He is your go-to person for anything and everything

Need a date for a wedding? Arranged. Need some romance advice? Arranged. Need an alibi for a particular night? Arranged. It's not questionable at all. They are your constant - your life guru.

15. They are always there for each other

If you travel, you are on vacation. Wherever they are, they are always in touch. Distance is no obstacle.

16. You know you're just a phone call away

Whatever you're going through, you can just call them and know they'll always answer. They will always pick up the phone, even if your call is in the middle of the night.

17. They love each other

Every phone call you make ends on that note, and even if you'd never say it, you'd always know that your friendship love is real.

18. You finish each other's sentences

They know each other so well that they finish each other's sentences half the time. It's like two people sharing one brain!

19. They always notice when something is wrong

They are total empaths. Nothing escapes them. You can try to pretend that you are fine, but they will sense that something is wrong. And you thank them for it.

20. When something happens (good or bad), they are your first call

When you get a promotion, adopt a dog, or are frustrated, they are your first call. You need to talk to them because it will make you feel better.
If it's good news, they'll arrive with champagne, if it's bad, with ice cream and a box of tissues.

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