
#207 - City Magazine - Breathe a fatal yes

In life, we always choose paths, make decisions and say the fateful "yes". With this, we shape our essence and accept responsibility for the decisions we make. These fateful decisions mark us in one way or another and change our linearity of the present and push us in the direction of life's destiny. Yes, the fateful "yes" can mark us and take us in a completely different direction on the timeline of life. In all probability, you have analyzed your life decisions, school choice, new job offer, business opportunity, partnership...

In doing so, weigh these decisions and ask yourself whether they were the right no, or whether you said yes to the right things at the right moment. Have you ever wondered why you made a fateful life decision at a certain moment that marked you? Have you considered yourself and been completely true to yourself? It seems that certain decisions cannot be avoided. They seem imminent. But then it is important to listen to yourself, your heart, your passion and intuition. We cannot calculate certain decisions with our reason, they are decisions where "ratio" falls away and "emotio" takes over. And in love and partnership, emotions always prevail. It is here that the economics of the decision simply fail, because emotions, passion and love cannot be calculated. There is no projection of success for them. It's just a commitment to hard work in terms of cultivating and nurturing a relationship. And when we make this decision within ourselves, when we are mature enough to give up a part of ourselves at the expense of the relationship, it is right to breathe a fatal yes. The word partnership means a pair - that is, two connected into a whole. And marriage seems like a crowning vow to become a couple with someone. Two in one.

V number 207 we take you through the urban ritual of marriage and discover wedding trends. We can see how fashionable the bride should be and how modern the groom can be. We focus on wedding cuisine and in an interview we talk to the masters of the "sweet part" of the wedding celebration. We visit dream wedding destinations and give wedding guests ideas for ideal wedding gifts...

And finally, allow me to ask the one and only question that is on my mind right now. The one I should have asked a long time ago and to which I hope the answer will be a fatal YES...

Janja Friend, would you marry me?

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.