
21 psychological facts we see every day but don't notice

The human mind has quite a few secrets, but scientists have already managed to reveal quite a few of them. And here are the most interesting ones. We bet you didn't know about most of them.

21psychological facts, which we see every day, but do not notice:

1. People with high testosterone levels they feel the anger of others as a reward.
2. Scientists have discovered that they are mathematical abilities are already innate to some.
3. The brain 'transcribes' monotonous speeches boring people and thus make them more interesting and easier to remember.

The brain 'transcribes' monotonous speeches.
The brain 'transcribes' monotonous speeches.

4. Singing reduces anxiety and helps with depression.
5. The nervous system of the intestines and the brain are interconnected. This is why certain emotions have such an effect on our stomach. Stress has the biggest impact.
6. Absence of friends it can be as dangerous as smoking. Scientists have discovered a link between loneliness and the level of protein coagulation that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

The absence of friends can be as dangerous as smoking.
The absence of friends can be as dangerous as smoking.

7. Some people are genetically more susceptible to pessimism and thus perceive negative events more vividly.
8. Optimism we can learn. You don't have to be born with it.
9. We can only choose between a limited number of options, although we constantly want change. Therefore, larger menus, thick catalogs and a greater selection of products in the supermarket cause confusion in our head.

The larger selection of products in the supermarket causes confusion in our head.
The larger selection of products in the supermarket causes confusion in our head.

10. When we try to remember an event from the past, we actually we recall our last memory of the event and the event itself.
11. Food that is we didn't cook it ourselves, seems tastier to us. When we cook a dish, we perceive its smell and imagine its taste. Therefore, it seems to us that we have already eaten some dishes. Another interesting fact: when we cook for ourselves, we eat less. What do you think of this diet?
12. Scientists are paying more and more attention to the connection between intellect and sarcasm. It has been proven that sarcasm encourages creativity.

Sarcasm encourages creativity.
Sarcasm encourages creativity.

13. People who are born blind never get sick for schizophrenia.
14. Many studies show that people often we exaggerate our positive qualities. A typical example: most drivers believe that they drive much better than average drivers.
15. When we are too careful and prepare backup plan, in most cases the original plan will fail.

The backup plan may affect the performance of the original plan.
The backup plan may affect the performance of the original plan.

16. Dutch scientists surveyed 5,000 people and found that v on average, a woman cries 30 to 46 times a year. Men cry from 6 to 17 times a year.
17. For most women, it is 70 percent of a man's attractiveness his power.
18. The brain use the same mechanism, when we listen to our favorite song or when we use drugs.

Music and drugs stimulate the same mechanism in the brain.
Music and drugs stimulate the same mechanism in the brain.

19. If we entrust our plans to others, then it is more likely that they will fail us, as we lose motivation.
20. Brown-eyed people we trust more than mordooks. Perhaps this is because brown-eyed people have more expressive facial features, which we also trust more often.
21. Ours the voice changes, when we talk to people we like.

If we like someone, we change our voice.
If we like someone, we change our voice.

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