
21st Documentary Film Festival 2019: Absurdities of the World

A Woman Captured / Enslaved Woman

Last year we faced (and still face) global problems and met quite a few controversial political figures whose stories were captured by filmmakers in documentaries. The 21st Documentary Film Festival 2019 will hold up a mirror to society, namely the competition program on the topic of human rights will focus on the acute problems of the modern world, which are often pushed aside by the media and society. In addition to films with a strong message, the creators and organizers of the festival also prepared workshops, seminars, lectures, talks and programs for young people and children.

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Documentary Film Festival each year hold up a mirror to the public and warned her that it was world, in which we live, for us maybe magical, for someone another, somewhere elsewhere, well devastating.

The topic of human rights was relevant this year as well question, with which they engaged in by filmmakers – this one addresses the current problems of the modern world, which serve as a warning modern mass media, which numerous important and meaningful stories because of the apparent unattractiveness all too often they push to the side.

This year's selection of competing films they frame important topics, such as the issue of women's rights, racism, sharing the world, political power and politicians, contemporary slavery and much more.

Participants 21st Documentary Film Festival 2019 you will get a chance live hard lives, which may encourage you to action, changes and saving people in your immediate surroundings, which they suffer. Much like all defenders of human rights also documentaries on this subject they often reveal what they would offenders wanted, to remain hidden.

On the website Documentary Film Festival you can view program of films, which will be you left speechless. You can also buy tickets.

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