
March 21 - World Poetry Day

UNESCO, which is fundamentally committed to the promotion of democratic principles of dignity, equality and mutual respect, declared March 21 as World Poetry Day. Namely, he understands poetry as a necessary source, and poets as witnesses to important social events and changes, who use poetry to spread timeless messages.

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Organization UNESCO declared March 21 as World Poetry Day. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, believes that every language has its own poetry and every person has the key to their own poetry. Whether it takes simple or artful form, poetry captures what is most difficult to express in the human experience. Poetry expresses that which cannot be said, common to all human mysteriousness. On this year's World Poetry Day, let's remember that poetry is a universal land where people can meet through vocabularies of all colors, rhythms and sounds. Words that have blossomed in any language stretch far toward the light that captures the essence itself.

Verz new payment currency?

On World Poetry Day, March 21, 2015, verse will become the new currency of payment. On this day, guests in 1,200 cafes, bars, restaurants and other bars from 27 countries from all over the world will turn into poets, and coffee paid with a verse.

READ MORE: On World Poetry Day, verse will become the currency of payment

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