
21 tiny ways to appreciate your reflection in the mirror

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed something you didn't like?

Close your eyes and open them again and look at your reflection in the mirror - yourself. You are stunning just the way you are, and someone admires a part of you that you never liked about yourself.

Love every bit of you. How? In 21 easy ways! Try it, you won't regret it.

1. Notice one small thing you like about yourself.

2. Pay attention to small details - freckles on your nose, the curve of your smile, the color of your eyes...

3. Remember that you are only human and that you were never meant to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfection.

4. Lift the corners of your lips into a smile.

5. Look into each other's eyes. Admire the color, the pigment, the dot in the corner that is darker than the others.

6. Breathe in. Be grateful for the oxygen that fills your lungs. Remember what a gift it is to simply be – alive.

7. Close your eyes and use your fingertips to travel over the eyelids, nose, creases between the lips and chin. Feel what you are like by touch and not by sight.

8. Hum your favorite song while brushing your teeth.

9. Speak positive words to yourself. Say to yourself: "I can do it. I am worthy,” instead of focusing on the outer, physical appearance.

10. Also pay attention to other details of the face - the shape of the eyebrows, the size of the ears, the birthmark on the forehead, the laugh line on the cheek.

11. Comb your hair slowly. Watch how they move through the comb, how smooth they are as you travel your fingers between and over them.

12. Refresh your face with cold water and close your eyes, feel this sensation on your skin. You are alive. How beautiful is that.

13. Realize that not all of the parts that make you up can be compared and found in anyone else.

14. Laugh and watch how relaxed and happy you feel about it.

15. Say this affirmation to yourself, even if you don't believe it yet. believe: "I like myself. I love who I am. As I am.”

16. Turn on the music and just dance.

17. Remember that you are the only one, that you are unique in an amazing way that no one else can imitate. You are unique.

18. Forgive yourself for mistakes, scars, wrinkles, imperfections. Accept yourself as you are.

19. Scream into a pillow or the sky until anxiety and anger and all negative emotions dissipate into the space around you.

20. Tell yourself that every day you are becoming the person you are meant to be - to become. And that person is wonderful—in your own way.

21. Remind yourself that who you are is defined not just by your reflection in the mirror, but by who you are as a whole. You will always be infinitely more than just the reflection in the mirror!

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