
What is your relationship horoscope?

Photo: IG couples4lovers

What fate of your partnership is written in the stars?

Quickly check in which astrological period you started a new partnership, because it may depend on whether you will stay together or whether your journey together will end?

Relationships that began in spring, under the rule of Taurus, will be solid and stable, just like those that began when the Sun was under the rule of dark Scorpio.


Partners who started their relationship during the reign of Aries will never be bored. There are always sparks between them, they find the solution to all arguments in the bedroom. They give the impression to others that they are on the verge of breaking up, but their relationship is strong enough and will survive all disagreements and differences. There are no lies between these partners, and honesty is one of the foundations on which they build their relationship.


Couples who started their relationship under the sign of Taurus have a strong and stable relationship. These relationships successfully resist all difficulties. Partners always find support in each other. They will never run out of tenderness and passion. The only danger can be the fact that the partners devote themselves completely to joint enjoyment and neglect other people who are close to them.


People whose love began during the reign of the twins are above all good friends and excellent life companions. They are in the mood for fun and socializing, they have perfect mutual communication, and there is no jealousy in it, which is a feature of this relationship. The downside is that partners invest too much in social life, so there is a high probability that in the future they will stop showing each other affection and their relationship may become only friendly.


This relationship will be filled with tenderness and romance, and the partners will not be able to be separated from each other for a long time. They will not lack tenderness and warmth, and both want a family with many children. The downside is too much mutual connection, because partners don't want to go anywhere without each other.


A relationship that began under the sign of Leo will be full of drama and passion. In one moment, the two partners will be arguing fiercely, and in the next moment, a passionate reconciliation will be taking place in the bedroom. Romantic outbursts of emotion are a common occurrence between them. These couples try to present themselves in front of others in the best light, even if there are disagreements between them.

A virgin

A love relationship that began during the reign of this sign is characterized by permanence and stability. A mutual, mutual desire for security keeps the partner firmly together. Honest and open communication and the absence of sharp arguments are just some of the advantages of this relationship. Partners will enjoy intellectual conversations and watching movies. Nevertheless, passion may be lacking in this relationship, as the partners are not inclined to openly express their feelings.


In this relationship, everything revolves around love, partners enjoy exchanging tenderness, attention and gifts, they are always attentive to the feelings and wishes of the other. They are in love, romantic dinners and trips together help them maintain their passion. These people will not easily get into arguments, so the only problem could be a lack of sincerity and suppression of frustration.


This is a passionate and exciting relationship that sparkles with emotion. From the moment they met, they felt a strong sexual attraction that would be the main factor in the survival of this relationship. However, frequent arguments, jealous scenes and outbursts of possessiveness can eventually even lead to a breakup if both partners do not show enough tolerance.


The relationship that began during the time of the happy Sagittarius is based on mutual respect and understanding. The partners are not burdened with jealousy and doubt and are not one of those couples who go everywhere together. Personal freedom and independence are certainly the most important facts in this connection.


This relationship may not be filled with tenderness, warmth and romantic gestures, but it is stable and gives partners a sense of security. They respect each other and avoid arguments, emotional blackmail and manipulation. They solve all problems quickly and easily. They respect money and the security it provides. However, she should have done more on the gentler side of the relationship so that their mutual closeness would not be lost.


This relationship could best be described as unusual and very interesting. At first glance, these may be people who don't suit each other, but in fact they are a perfect couple. The absence of jealousy is an excellent foundation for establishing a stable relationship. A relationship could last a long time if both partners do not suffocate each other.


If you are gentle, romantic and looking for constant outpourings of love, this is the ideal relationship for you. The great love and affection that partners feel for each other is a guarantee of success. This relationship will be filled with emotion as well as occasional drama. No matter what, both of them will take care of their loved one, even though they may occasionally make sacrifices in another area, for the sake of their love.

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