
#210 - City Magazine - Hello Life!

The legend of King Matjaž has several versions. The most popular one is the one about a rich and just king named Matjaž, who is a leaf of our mountains. During his reign, prosperity and peace reigned among the Slovenes. One day, a horde of Turks attack Matthias's kingdom, and in an unequal battle Matthias's army fights bravely. But soon the king Matjaž he realizes that the Turks are too strong and flees with a handful of survivors. Because he was a righteous king, he was not killed, but the mountain opened before him and took him in. He sleeps there at the table with his soldiers ever since, and when his beard has wrapped around the table nine times, he will wake up and come to save the oppressed people from the foreigners.

Kralj Matjaž - Union advertising campaign
King Matjaž - Union advertising campaign

A story that, in one way or another, is easily reflected in today's time. And which somehow reflects the eternal yearning of the Slovenian nation for a different and better life. But even so, some self-reflection is necessary; we are entirely responsible for how we live. And sometimes I get so caught up in thinking about the dimensions of life. About the moments that we spend in this world and that we all too often seem to take for granted. We are aware of life as such only at rare moments when life cruelly warns us of it. That is why I think that we should allow ourselves to say, "Hello, life" many times. So let it be our mission with every breath and exhalation to make sure that we are not everyday zombies and that we are able to rejoice in the givens of this world. That we know how to take time for friends and cultivate relationships that represent us as a whole...

In the number #210, we go on a journey to summer, which is here and in which the pulse of life will permeate us. We offer you a selection of the most current events in June. Let's take a look at what Ljubljana was like in the past and what it is like today. Find out what retailers' summer sales have in store for us. We reveal to you on which terrace you will be able to eat the most romantic summer lunch. Let's check out the budget mobile phones - the ones coming out of China. Let's learn which laptop to choose for "kids" so as not to go bankrupt. We take a look at the stage boards and learn about the summer music festivals. Let's statistically check the history of football ... and on and on ... Hi, life!

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