
#215 – City Magazine – December 2016

Ahead of you is the festive, December issue of the free City Magazine. In it you will find excellent suggestions for Christmas and New Year's gifts, suggestions for skiing in Austria, the best events in December and an overview of New Year's Eve in Slovenia. And an interview with skiing guru Sandi Murovec, ideas for Christmas decorations, trendy winter fashion pieces, automotive and technological innovations, the newest bars and restaurants in the city and many other urban attractions. Enjoy reading and, of course, have a great party!


Uhh…I actually can't believe 2016 flew by. That we are already in the magical December, the month in which we will dedicate ourselves to each other, friends and family. I will take myself to warm places and look for inspiration in foreign cultures, enjoy the pulse of the metropolises of the world, taste culinary excesses and recharge my batteries. Inside, I am extremely happy that 2016 is almost behind us, and I optimistically await the challenges of 2017.

This year has been an interesting year. Among other things, I found myself in some unpleasant situations, but these are a part of life and are indispensable for personal and business growth. I also learned about myself that I have always been different, for which I have been looking for a reason for 37 years. And in the end, he found the answer in his children, in the past and in the future.

And what is the future of City Magazine? In 2017, we will continue to focus on good content and the highest level of positivity. That we are truly one of the most positive media in Slovenia is also proven by City Magazine's recent nomination for MediY in 2016, which we are particularly proud of.

The City you will get your hands on at the beginning of 2017 will be fresh and even more trendy. This is where I end and I wish you, above all, that in the last days of this year, you can de-energize your mind and allow yourself to dream of a bright future.

Jan Macarol Vrabec,
the editor

Twitter: janmacarol
Instagram: janmacarol
E: jan@citymagazine.si

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