

Harvest, must, leaves, chestnuts, colors... are the first words that pop into my head when I think of autumn. This one always evokes a range of emotions in me and, as always, it completely fascinates me every time with the play of colors. At the same time, things start happening in the city. There are more and more social events where partners present this or that innovation. Work motivation is at its peak and there are tons of ideas and new ideas in the head, the desire for changes also increases.

Autumn also gives our "company" the impetus for new ventures. It opens us up to a clear and courageous view of the future. Thus, we are looking for new colleagues for new projects. Authors with brave and skillful pens. We are increasingly active in creating good original content, which we publish in all our media channels. We've recently broken a line on Facebook 50,000 followers and thus joined the elite club. On a monthly basis, through our Facebook page, we are in contact with more than 550.000 individuals who interact with our content more than 600,000 times. We are also impressed by the views of the video content, which are approaching the number of 350,000, which is a nice reward for us and proof that we are going in the right direction. Figures that inspire us to work even harder and also allow us to set new records for visits to the website, which this month reached a daily record 28.500 daily visits. We are glad that you are with us and giving us your attention. This enables a shared future.

Jan Macarol Vrabec,
the editor

Facebook: janmacarol
Instagram: janmacarol
YouTube: janmacarol
and: jan@citymagazine.si

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.