
#224 – City Magazine

November is always a month of anticipation, in which we slowly look back at the past year and figure out where to go next.

Even in our company, with great optimism, we are looking for ways to design new concepts that will survive in turbulent media times and inspire you in the future as well. With December, we enter the voluntary revision of printed circulation, which is the basic foundation with which we want restore the trust of advertisers into print media, and we hope that as many media as possible will follow us and thus strengthen the position of print in the marketing media mix. Also so that together we will be stronger against those who dumped prices and by copying the content concepts of the media cause harm to the activity. Due to bad media legislation, we can only take action against this type of media using methods of absolute business excellence and clearly proving our value. And as pioneers at City Magazine we do just that. That's also why City Magazine proves that it means a lot in the media space. In October, we reached a record number of visits to the website City Magazine, and we are extremely proud of the numbers. We also attribute the increase in traffic to the ever-increasing amount of video content created, with which we make by far the biggest breakthroughs. As a result, we are focusing on the development of our own video production. This will come to life in some new world, which is so very exciting, different and not easily copied. An author who is a great storyteller, an individualist and a talent is important here. Not everyone has that!_

Jan Macarol Vrabec,
the editor

Facebook: janmacarol
Instagram: janmacarol
YouTube: janmacarol

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.