

These days, when Slovenia and the world are fighting the coronavirus, it is difficult to stay at a distance. Not the social one, this one is absolutely necessary, but more on that below.

At a distance of opinion, to distance yourself from the situation, to be quiet, to continue what you are doing, to be indifferent and to think that there are enough resources and information out there and that you have nothing more to add. Well, it's not true. Although our media is not primarily intended to report on such topics, it is nevertheless responsible to offer its readers as much useful information as possible during the epidemic! No, we will not cause panic, no, we will not scare you, but we will still publish everything you should know about this insidious virus, which is more than clearly not "ordinary flu" from completely reliable sources on our website (citymagazine.si) ".

My, your task these days is to yes protect yourself and your loved ones and that, please, be socially responsible! Now is not the time to let your ego get the better of you, to "hang down"... Now is the time to come together and observe social distance! This means that we only go out into the company when we have to get the most necessary things, and even then only when we are HEALTHY! Think of everyone who could be affected by this disease to the point where they end up in intensive care and in the worst case, lose their lives! My dears, this is no longer a joke! While it's good to keep a level head and remember to laugh these days, it's also good to take action; not only those in positions of responsibility, but every individual! This is the only way to stop the spread of the virus. I know that I am not sitting on some important chair from which I look at the citizens and give them instructions, but I am still a part of our whole and I feel the duty to follow the rules and to encourage others to do the same!

Thank you, let's help stop the virus together! Stay healthy, take care of yourself, your loved ones and all fellow citizens!

Lucia Marko,

Instagram: lucymarko
E: lucija.marko@citymagazine.si

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