
27 proofs of how little it takes to put a smile on our face

Happiness is not a monolithic emotion, it is a combination of several factors and sometimes it is not the result of big, extraordinary things, but a mixture of details and coincidences that we come across and that bring out the most pleasant feelings. All too often we look for it in hard-to-reach places, but in truth we have it at every turn. And it's not just in someone else's smile or nice words, it's hidden in such banal sayings that you yourself will be surprised.

Luck is our choice. We even have it written down in the genes. It is one of the basic goals of people. But you don't have to do or achieve extraordinary things to achieve happiness. She likes happiness everyday life, little things, spontaneity, coincidences. Many things can bring it out of us.

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Although it is an elusive thing in these days, with gray clouds closing in on us from all sides, it has good luck this feature, that it does not depend on the amount of the price or the balance on the account, but rather on how we perceive ourselves happening around us. Thus, happiness can be a completely smooth pancake, symmetry of tiles, stacked chairs, etc.

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